Transaction Journal
of Engineering,
Applied Sciences &

:: International
Editorial Board:


Vol.7(1) (January 2016)


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642

Full issue V7(1)


  • Formulation of Monthly Rainfall Forecast Model based on Large-Scale Atmospheric Variables: A Case Study in Tapee River Basin, Thailand
  • Uruya Weesakul * (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, THAILAND )

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    Keywords: Rainfall forecast modeling; Climate change; Surface air temperature (SAT); Sea level pressure (SLP); Surface zonal; Meridian wind; Flood and drought.

    It has been noticed That Thailand experiences flood and drought more frequently in the east three decades. It has been claimed that global climate change is one of a major cause of such high interannual variation of rainfall. Various researches have been conducted to investigate impact of climate change on these rainfall variations. It is necessary to develop rainfall forecast model that is able to forecast at least seasonal rainfall with sufficient precision for well-planned water resource allocation over a river basin. This study aims to formulate a monthly Rainfall Forecast Model, based on large-scale atmospheric variables (LAV) by using Tapee river basin, located in the Southern part of Thailand, as a case study. The four main variables of LAV, which are surface air temperature (SAT), sea level pressure (SLP), surface zonal (u) and meridian wind (v) were investigated their relationships with seasonal rainfall over the Tapee river basin during 1976-2011. It has been found that SAT over Pacific Ocean and SLP over South China Sea have correlation with 3 months rainfall and can be used as predictors in seasonal rainfall forecast model with 12 month leading time of forecast. Such tool developed in this study can be used in water resource planning to allocate water resources appropriately under constraint of high water demand and high variable water supply.

  • Place Attachment in Relation to Urban Street Vitality
  • Nurbazliah Zaidin *, Mohd Ramzi Mohd Hussain, Izawati Tukiman, and Fitrynadia Mohd Shahli (Department of Landscape Architecture, Kuliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), MALAYSIA )

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    Keywords: Street attachment; Public space; Personality and behavior; Activities of people; Pedestrian street.

    Preliminary studies have highlighted on the importance of the street as public space that provide setting for activities and amenities allowing people to do their activities.  However, roles of urban street as public space have weakened due to rapid growth development. It is more focused on the transportation compared to the people, making people feel less attached to the street. Therefore, this paper is aimed to review on the place attachment and its significance in affecting the urban street vitality.  The analyzed review comprises the urban streets in the context of interrelation between behavioral pattern of people and the physical features of streets.  These create an attachment feeling in the area that will lead to the vitality of urban streets. Hence, this paper will give an understanding of how place attachment influence people’s presence on the streets in order to attract people and enliven the urban street.

  • Concept of Self-Conservation in a Traditional Village: an Empirical Study of Kampong Kauman Semarang Indonesia
  • Atiek Suprapti Budiarto* (Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, INDONESIA )

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    Keywords: Historical architecture; Social cohesion; Ethnography-architecture; Socio-cultural areas; Cultural preservation .

    Kampong Kauman Semarang is a Moslem traditional village which is located in the center of traditional Javanese city Semarang, Indonesia. The pressure from modern capitalism in urban centers has strangled so many inherited cultural artifacts. As the substitute, there is new orientation which is the commercial world. It becomes a threat to Kampong Kauman Semarang Indonesia, which was built based on social blend for three centuries. Kauman possesses individual trick in preserving/ preventing and managing the settlement space. As Kampong is using this familial system, preserving the culture is considered important, since it preserve both of social and economic life. The method of research is ethnography-architecture that combines ideographical and architectural approach. The result shows that the self-conservation concept is found in both of material domain and in immaterial one. Firstly, the community completes maintenance toward historical artifacts. Secondly, the trader community handles the property for exploiting to social and economic. Thirdly, there is an establishment of moral-spiritual for youth. In the power of social cohesion, it becomes an important social asset to prevent the urban culture. The concept of Self-Conservation is a local wisdom that possesses important role in the cultural preservation.

  • Unmanned Blimp Aerial Photography for Low-cost Mapping
  • Kritsada Anantakarn *, (Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Rajamongala University of Technology Tawan-ok : Uthenthawai Campus, THAILAND ) and Vichai Yiengveerachon (Department of Survey Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND)

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    Keywords: Photogrammetry; UBAP; topography; auto-pilot; ortho-rectification; mosaic image; cadastral; GPS.

    Traditional land surveying requires skilled surveyors and high resolution satellite imagery is costly and undated source. As a consequence, topographical and other spatial data is more or less lacking for rural and urban planning and development. Unmanned Blimp Aerial Photography (UBAP) with vertical color aerial images is an alternative way for land surveying and topographical mapping. This research project integrates UBAP system to provide a low-cost but quality efficient solution for producing aerial color photos on a high pixel resolution. The test site is in Chonburi province (Bangphra district) on Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Bangphra Campus where results mosaic ortho-rectification images for updating cadastral map and generating Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for 3-D city modeling. The balloon altitude is at 150 meters with about 3-centimeter Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) by using auto-pilot system. Mapping accuracy is then compared with static positioning measurement from Global Positioning System (GPS).

  • Awareness of Open Source Cloud Computing (OSCC): A Case Study in Malaysian Organizations, Malaysia
  • Hala A. Albaroodi* and Selvakumar Manickam (National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAV6), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, MALAYSIA )

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    Keywords: Cronbach's Alpha; Information Communication Technology (ICT); Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS); Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

    Guided by Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the lack of research on Open Source Cloud Computing (OSCC) in the Malaysian’s setting, the current endeavor posits and tests a model. The model encapsulate a number of perception-based, an attitudinal and intentional variables. Though, the aforementioned model is argued to correspond to a number of questions, which in turn, portray a gap in the literature. Particularly, the paper investigates the role of perception of the ease of use, usefulness and risk influences on attitude toward and the intention to adopt OSCC in the Malaysian’s settings. In addition, it conceptualized and tested the mediating role of user’s attitude. To that effect, a questionnaire was designed and deployed to examine the factors influencing intention to use the new technology of open source cloud computing. The obtained data were subjected to a number of statistical analyses. Particularly, the goodness of measure was assessed through conducting internal consistency test and factor analysis. The former test uncovered that the utilised constructs are reliable. The later analysis suggested the presence of only three variables. Moreover, the interrelationships between the resulted constructs of the framework were tested using multiple and heretical regression. Findings of these analyses suggest that consumers’ perception of OSCC has a weak effect on their intention to use it. Consumers’ attitudes were found to maintain more potent impact on their intention to utilise the new technology. Moreover, consumers’ attitude was unveiled to mediate the relationship between perception of OSCC and the intention to use OSCC. The study was concluded with a brief summary, its implications, and suggestion for future researcher.

  • Using Spatial Technologies in Conservation of Cultural Urban Heritage: The Colonial Center of Setif, Algeria
  • Hamza Zeghlache * , and Nadir Alikhodja * (Laboratory of Mediterranean Architecture, University Ferhat Abbas, univ-setif 1, ALGERIA )

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    Keywords: Architectural design; Tri-dimensional Digital Model; Conservation Information System; Geographical Information System.

    This paper deals with the new research techniques that involve the use of the advanced information and communication technology. These new technologies made in promoting cultural and architectural heritage. The empirical focus is the historic center of Setif and the antic city of Sitifis, Algeria. We present in this paper a report of our fieldwork in the techniques of the panorama HDR as well as the Photo scan surveys. Our work focuses on the information system (GIS) and other techniques that allow for the documentation and graphic data concerning the cultural and architectural heritage. The historic French colonial center of the city of Setif suffered in recent years, heavy transformations in terms of urban renewal, without control, by a lack of appropriate planning tools and expertise. In this situation, we set an aim to document urban and architectural heritage in peril. Indeed, inventory and surveying are the first step and most important sustainable conservation of architectural heritage. Conventional methods of survey and inventory are less accurate; we explore in this paper the application of Geomatics techniques as new spatial technologies in cultural and architectural conservation.


Previous: Vol 6(5) 2015 .... Next: Vol 7(2) April 2016

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