ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642
Information pertaining to ethical aspects for authors
To be published in the International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, original work is required: this means the submitted work has not previously or simultaneously been published (except has been published as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis). Submitted manuscripts/articles must not be under consideration of others publisher(s) for publications. (Please read plagiarism below). With approval by all coauthor(s), the submitting (or corresponding) author held whole responsibility of such manuscript submission approval. Copyright transfer signed by all author(s) must be accompanied the submission of manuscript.
Authors should be limited to those who make substantial contribution to the submitted work. Otherwise, the name(s) of person(s) who provide(s) little or partial contribution should be added in Acknowledgement section.
Duplication Publication
Substantial duplication(s) of whole or partial work(s) is(are) not allowed, as restricted by copyright. If such duplication (texts, Figure(s), Drawing(s) or Table(s)) is executed, clear information must be given to the Editor-in-Chief. In any cases, author(s) is(are) responsible to obtain full reprint permission(s) from all previous publisher(s) or copyright holder(s).
Whole or partial imitation(s) (copy) of previous/prior work(s) and presentation as your own original work(s) is(are) considered plagiarism, especially through cut and paste process in order to have multiple work(s) published in multiple publications when small or no new information/knowledge is added. Author(s) who reuse(s) substantial parts of their own published work without providing the appropriate references is considered self-plagiarism.
Author(s) should try to avoid even minor plagiarism by given proper reference(s) to others' work(s), and obtain proper permission(s).
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Malpractice statement
Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) is checked before a manuscript gets published. If plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be rejected and the author(s) is(are) put on the blacklist.
If plagiarism of a published article is found, ITJEMAST's Editor-in-Chief and/or Editorial Board Member(s) will officially contact the authors' institute(s) and funding agencies, informing such academic misconduct(s). In addition, plagiarism note with online (multiple) link(s) to same elsewhere published article(s) or plagiarized material(s) is explicitly displayed. Either clear plagiarism mark(s) will be added to the published article(s) or plagiarized article(s) is(are) retracted.
Country of authors | Number of Plagiarism Manuscripts (More than 50%) | Engine |
2022 | ||
Saudi Arabia | 1 | Google+Turn-It-In |
India | 1 | |
2021 | ||
Nigeria | 1 (including 1 self-plagiarism) | |
Russia | 1 (including 1 self-plagiarism) | |
Thailand | 1 | |
Saudi Arabia | 1 | |
2020 | ||
India | 4 | Turn-It-In |
Russia | 2 | Google+Turn-It-In |
2019 | ||
Russia | 3 (including 3 self-plagiarism in other languages) | |
Iran | 2 (including 1 self-plagiarism in other languages) |
Questions regarding manuscript/publication process should be directed to one of the following email (no space between):
Editor @ TuEngr.com