Transaction Journal
of Engineering,
Applied Sciences &

:: International
Editorial Board:

Vol.2(1) (Jan 2011)


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies 
ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642 

Cover: Genetic Engineering Seedless Orange.

Feature peer-reviewed articles for Vol.2 No.1 (January 2011):

  • Letter from Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board
  • by Editor-in-Chief

  • Cotton Mapping in Kenya: GPS based Data Collection – A cost Comparison with High Resolution Satellite Imagery Mapping
  • Felix N. Mutua (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, JAPAN) Craig Von Hagen (Director, GeoInfinity Limited, KENYA) and David Kuria (Department of Geomatic Engineering and Geospatial Information Systems, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, KENYA)

    Keywords: GIS; GPS; Cotton; Spatial Analysis

    The main objective of this study was to carry out farm size auditing (verification) and provide a baseline data for a strategic information management system for mapping cotton in Kenya. It aimed to establish an accurate, updated and detailed database for all the cotton farmers working with Rift valley Products Limited (RVP). This study demonstrates the use of Global Position System (GPS) data collection methods and Geographic information system (GIS) to provide accurate, key and important information for decision making and planning. GIS based spatial analysis was conducted and the best locations for harvest collection centres were determined, based on the shortest and least cost path of delivery by the farmer. The maps produced have proven to be critical tools for the field officers for route planning when conducting field visits. This has led to a considerable cut in the cost of production. A cost comparison between GPS field data collection and use of a high resolution satellite image is given, implying that field data collection is still the most cost effective method of collecting accurate information, especially if the land parcels under consideration are small and segregated.

  • Kampung Laut’s Old Mosque in Malaysia: Its Influence from Chinese Building Construction
  • Ahmad Sanusi Hassan (School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, MALAYSIA)

    Keywords: Kampung Laut’s Old Mosque; building structures; Chinese influence; Malaysia

    This study discussed a comparative study on building structural construction between Traditional Chinese Building and Kampung Laut’s Old Mosque (KLOM). The objective is to identify the level of influence of the traditional Chinese building structural construction to the structural construction of KLOM. The result is one of the ways to support an argument using evidence on the building construction that the religion of Islam was spread to South East Asia from China and Indochina (East) in contrast to most arguments from Arabian region and India (West). The scope was limited to the analysis of the building structures. There were 10 factors were identified as the measurable factors in the literature study. The results showed that there are influences from traditional Chinese construction on building structures of KLOM.

  • Coding and Classification Based Heuristic Technique for Workpiece Grouping Problems in Cellular Manufacturing System
  • Tamal Ghosh, Mousumi Modak, and Pranab K. Dana (Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, West Bengal University of Technology, INDIA)

    Keywords: Part Family Formation; Group Technology; Cellular Manufacturing; Similarity Metric; Clustering Analysis; Average Linkage Clustering; Heuristic

    Part family detection problem is an NP-complete problem in the vicinity of Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS). In the past literature several part family detection techniques have been proposed by researchers which are ordinarily grounded on Production Flow Analysis (PFA). Coding and Classification (CC) techniques are merely attempted in CMS which is believed to be the highly effective method to identify the part families. This article portrays a novel heuristic approach namely Heuristic for Part Family using Opitz Coding System (HPFOCS), to materialize the efficient part families by incorporating similarity metric which utilizes part coding attributes, adopted from Offodile (1992) and the proposed technique is verified on six generic datasets of size (5×9) to (30×9) and results are compared with Average linkage Clustering (ALC) algorithm. The computational results report that the HPFOCS method is extremely effective and has outperformed ALC techniques in all instances.

  • The DFT Study of Amide Reduction by Borane and Alane: Structural Stability and Reaction Mechanisms
  • Sirikorn Chasvised, Wandee Rakrai, Nongnit Morakot and Banchob Wanno (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, THAILAND)

    Keywords: Alane; Amide reduction; Amine; Borane; Density functional theory (DFT)

    An amide reduction to an amine is an important transformation reaction for the development of pharmaceutical drugs. In the present work, the reduction of modeled amide, N,N-dimethylacetamide using BH3 (borane) or AlH3 (alane) to give N,N-dimethylethanamine has been studied using the DFT calculations. The reaction pathways were searched by intrinsic reaction coordinate analysis. Two possible transition states of amide reduction were found. The first transition state is BH3 or AlH3 insertion and the second transition state is the hydrogenation couple with the cleavage of BH2-O-BH2 (or AlH2-O-AlH2) group. Structural, electronic and thermodynamic properties of all species have been reported. The rate determining step is the second step which has the highest activation free energies. All of results point that borane and alane can reduce a modeled amide to form an amine.

  • Effects of Different Light Treatments on the Germination of Nepenthes mirabilis
  • Anchalee Jala (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, THAILAND)

    Keywords: Nepenthes mirabilis; Germination Index; Seedling vigor Index; Speed of emergence.

    Seeds of Nepenthes mirabilis were germinated in vitro on composted medium. All seeds were germinated under white (fluorescent), red, green, blue and yellow light. Over a period of 27 days, some Nepenthes seeds under white and red light germinated first, and those under green light were the last ones to germinate. The highest average speed of emergence was recorded for seedlings under red light. All healthy and complete seedlings were counted after 60 days. Seedlings under yellow light were the most vigorous with the highest germination index and average height of 0.79 cm. Seedlings under yellow light and white light exhibited the highest average number of roots and light green leaves as well as greatest root length, but seedlings under green light had few roots and pale green leaves. There were more young leaves on seedlings under yellow light (average 5.2) and red light (average 5.0) compared with those under green light and blue light.

  • Interactive Decisions of Part Selection, Machine Loading, Machining Optimisation and Part Scheduling Sub-problems for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
  • Mussa I. Mgwatu (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA )

    Keywords: Flexible manufacturing systems, part selection, machine loading, machining optimisation, part scheduling .

    More often, the decisions of part selection, machine loading, machining optimisation and part scheduling sub-problems are made at different decision-making levels. As a result, part selection, machine loading and machining optimisation decisions at higher-production planning level may fail to interact with part scheduling decisions at lower-scheduling level. This paper presents a two-stage sequential methodology aimed at integrating the decisions of part selection, machine loading, machining optimisation and part scheduling sub-problems for flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) and avoiding disparities of decisions which can be difficult to implement on the FMS shop floor. In this case, two mathematical models were presented and solved. Results from the models show that more interactive decisions and well-balanced workload of the FMS can be achieved when part selection, machine loading, machining optimisation and part scheduling sub-problems are solved jointly.

  • An Improved Three-Stage Algorithm with Bender’s Decomposition for Relative Robust Optimization under Full Factorial Scenario Design of Data Uncertainty
  • Wuthichai Wongthatsanekorn ( Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, THAILAND ) and Tiravat Assavapokee ( Wal-Mart Inc., Arkansas, USA )

    Keywords: Relative Robust Optimization, Decision Making under Uncertainty, Min-Max Relative Regret, Full-Factorial Scenario Design, Benders’ Decomposition.

    This paper presents an improved decomposition algorithm for solving two-stage relative robust optimization problems under uncertainty. The structures of the first stage and second problem are a mixed integer linear programming model (MILP) and a linear programming model (LP) respectively. Each uncertain parameter in the model can independently take its value from a finite set of real values with unknown probability distribution. This structure of parametric uncertainty is called full-factorial scenario design of data. Similar to previous work, this improved algorithm composes of three stages. The difference is that Benders’ Decomposition (BD) algorithm is used to solve relaxed model in the first stage instead of the solver from CPLEX. The second and third stages are the same. The improved algorithm has been applied to solve a number of relative robust facility location problems under this structure of parametric uncertainty. All results illustrate significant improvement in computation time of the improved algorithm over existing approaches. For a problem with 3^40 possible scenarios, an improved algorithm shows a significant reduction in computational time by 61 percents comparing with the previous three-stage algorithm without Benders’ decomposition.

  • MCFC-Electricity Generation from Biogas to Syngas Renewable Process via a Membrane Reactor
  • Savvas Vasileiadis ( School of Science & Technology, Hellenic Open University, Patras, GREECE ), Zoe Ziaka ( International Hellenic University, Thermi-Thessaloniki, GREECE ), and Marianthi Tsimpa ( School of Science & Technology, Hellenic Open University, Patras, GREECE )

    Keywords: Biogas conversion; manure bio-energy; catalytic methane-steam reformers; membrane reactors; MCFCs (molten carbonate fuel cells).

    A new biogas based catalytic reforming-processing system for the conversion of gaseous hydrocarbons such as methane (coming from manure type anaerobic digesters) into hydrogen and carbon oxide mixtures is described and analyzed. The exit synthesis gas (syn-gas) is used to power effectively high temperature fuel cells such as MCFC types for combined efficient electricity generation.  Our paper also focuses on the description and design aspects of permreactors (permeable reformers and catalytic carriers) carrying the same type of renewable-biogas reforming reactions. Objectives of this research include turnkey process and systems development for the biogas based power/electricity generation and fuel cell industries. Also, the efficient utilization of biogas and waste type resources (coming from manure based anaerobic digesters) for green-type/renewable power generation with increased processing capacity and efficiency via fuel cells (e.g., MCFCs). Simultaneously, pollution reduction is under additional design consideration in the described catalytic processors-fuel cell systems.

Call-for-Research Papers: 
ITJEMAST invites you to submit high quality papers for full peer-review and possible publication in areas pertaining engineering, science, management and technology, especially interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary/multidisciplinary subjects.

To publish your work in the next available issue, your manuscripts together with copyright transfer document signed by all authors  can be submitted via email to Editor @ (no space between). (please see all detail from Instructions for Authors)

Publication and peer-reviewed process:
After the peer-review process (4-10 weeks), articles will be on-line published in the available next issue.  However, the International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies cannot guarantee the exact publication time as the process may take longer time, subjected to peer-review approval and adjustment of the submitted articles.


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