International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(10) (2021)

  • A Systematic Review of Business Models for Sustainable Innovation

    Awwad Saad Alshammari, Nimer Qayum Mir(College of Business Administration, University of Ha'il, SAUDI ARABIA).

    Disciplinary: Management Science, Sustainability.

    ➤ FullText

    doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2021.208

    Keywords: Frugal innovation; Reverse innovation; Diffusion; Sustainability; Innovation flow.

    Frugal and reverse innovations are relatively new yet highly discussed topics in academic and business management circles. These two types of innovation present a shift in mindset of global business and economy. The paper seeks to provide a literature review on the topic of frugal and reverse innovation and the connection between them. Fifty-two articles were chosen for the final analysis - far too many for a journal article - but the most important fourteen articles were identified after the analysis and are examined here. Through primary content analysis, five major areas have been identified for further evaluation. These topics include the approaches to definitions and understanding of the nature of frugal and reverse innovation, analysis of frameworks for innovations implementation, the issue of diffusion, and the connection of frugal and reverse innovation to sustainability. This systematic review of frugal and reverse innovation highlights existing issues and gaps and suggests directions for future research.

    Paper ID: 12A10S

    Cite this article:

    Alshammari, A. S., Mir, N. Q. (2021). A Systematic Review of Business Models for Sustainable Innovation. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 12(10), 12A10S, 1-9.


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