Olga Boris, Rustam Ustaev, Anna Nikulina (North Caucasus Federal University, RUSSIA).
Disciplinary: Youth Study, Employment Study, Pandemic Crisis Study.
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doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2021.243
Keywords: Youth entrepreneurship; Questionnaire survey; Negative factors; Coronavirus pandemic; Development paths; Youth activation; Hidden unemployment; Youth opinion.
Youth entrepreneurship is a complex phenomenon that requires active development in modern conditions, complicated by the limitations of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent post-pandemic recession. The direct relationship between the state of the economy and youth activity is considered in the studies by the researchers from different countries: the USA, UK, Russia, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa, and others. The purpose of this article is to reveal the obstacles faced by youth entrepreneurship and to get an answer to the question of which ones are intensifying and which ones are emerging in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. In Russia, this problem is most relevant for the North Caucasian Federal District, based on which the study is based. This article is an attempt to answer the question of what prevents young people from starting their own business and making it successful. To find out the obstacles to youth entrepreneurship, which developed in the socio-economic conditions of the region with a surplus of labor and became more active in the conditions of the current crisis, a questionnaire survey of 257 graduates and young entrepreneurs and personal interviews of 15 respondents were conducted. Based on this, the most significant factors in the opinion of the respondents were identified, and then a set of necessary measures was formed to activate youth entrepreneurship using benchmarking and comparative analysis methods.
Paper ID: 12A12L
Cite this article:
Boris, O., Ustaev, R., Nikulina, A. (2021). Obstacles to the Effective Development of Russian Youth Entrepreneurship in Modern Conditions. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 12(12), 12A12L, 1-9. http://doi.org/10.14456/ITJEMAST.2021.243