Eissa Mohammed Ali Qhal (Administrative Department, Applied College, Jazan University, SAUDI ARABIA)
Disciplinary: Knowledge Management, Organizational Behavior Management, Computer Science & Engineering (Information System).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2021.273
Keywords: Knowledge; Organizational Behavior; Virtualization; Cloud Computing; Video Conferencing; Covid-19, MS Teams; Anatomy knowledge; Knowledge Management.
Coronavirus has produced a requirement for innovations that empower correspondence, joint effort, training and logical talk while keeping actual separation and physical distance. Organization terminations because of COVID-19 and physical separating measures disturb scholarly exercises that happened eye to eye and to assess the organizational behavior. This study incorporates the information on friendly and social sciences, looking through its application in administrative practice. Hierarchical conduct consequently addresses interdisciplinary methodology towards HR's the executives in the work process. It examines human assets on the board and utilizes the consequences of investigation for the executives' improvement limitations set on organizations because COVID-19 has blocked most traditional types of enterprises, trade, business and allied talks including managing knowledge and behavioral activities. Anatomists presently require legitimate, strong and simple to-utilize specialized instruments to work with remote instructing, learning, exchange and information exploration. Late advances in correspondence, video conferencing, online meetings and computerized innovations might work with the progression of a company and exploration exercises. Models incorporate exceptionally intelligent video conferencing innovation, collective apparatuses, web-based media and systems administration stages using virtualization. In this account survey, we inspect the utility of these innovations in supporting compelling correspondence and expert exercises of knowledge anatomists during COVID-19 and later pandemic effects by the usage of cloud computing and virtualization techniques.
Paper ID: 12A13U
Cite this article:
Qhal, E. M. A.(2021). Vitalizing Knowledge Management for Assessing Organizational Behavior during Covid-19. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 12(13), 12A13U, 1-21. http://doi.org/10.14456/ITJEMAST.2021.273