International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(7) (2021)


  1. Alan Teh, L. S. (2017). A Penang Scotsman's legacy. New Straits Times. Retrieved July 2020.
  2. Bentley, I., Alcock, A., Murrain, P., McGlynn, S. & Smith, G. (1985). Responsive Environments: A Manual for Designers. Abingdon: Architectural Press.
  3. Hassan, A.S. (1999). Corak Penempatan Perumahan Tradisional Berkepadatan Tinggi. Journal of Housing, Building and Planning. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press.
  4. Hassan, A.S. (2005). Konsep Rekabentuk Bandar di Semenanjung Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur dan Bandar-Bandar di Sekitarnya. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press.
  5. Hassan, A.S. (2009). The British Colonial 'Divide and Rule' Concept in Inner City of George Town, Penang: Its Influence on Irregular Layout of the Transport Access. International Journal of Transportation, 36(3), 309-324.
  6. Hassan, A.S. (2017). Amalan Tebusguna Tanah, Reka Bentuk Bandar dan Seni Bina di Malaysia. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press.
  7. Hassan, A.S. & Ku Hassan, K.A. (2001). Konsep Perumahan Tradisional Berkelompok dan Berdensiti Tinggi di Pantai Barat Semenanjung Malaysia (High Density Traditional Clustered Housing Concept at Western Coastal Area in Peninsular Malaysia). Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press.
  8. Katiman, R. (2001). Dasar dan Strategi Petempatan dalam Pembangunan Negara. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Press.
  9. Larice, M. & Macdonald, E. (2013). The Urban Design Reader. New York: Routledge.
  10. Li, L.H. & Li X. (2011). Redevelopment of urban villages in Shenzhen, China-An analysis of power relations and urban coalitions. Journal of Habitat International, 35, 426-434.
  11. Lynch, K. (1962). The Image of the City. Boston: MIT Press.
  12. Samsurijan, M.S. Azahan, A. Kadarudin, K., Hussain, M.Y., Kadir, A. Kumarashwaran, V. (2017). A Review of the Urban Village Concept: An Operational Definition in Malaysia. Geografi, 5(2), 49-58.
  13. Yan, S & Yves, Z. (2011). Urban villages and housing values in China. Journal of Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42(3), 1-11.
  14. Yuting, L. Shenjing, H. Fulong, W. & Chris, W. (2010). Urban village under China' rapid urbanisation: Unregulated assets and transitional neighbourhood. Journal of Habitat International, 34, 135-144.

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