International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(7) (2021)


  1. Abbasi, A., Alalouch, C. & Bramley, G., 2016. Open Space Quality in Deprived Urban Areas: User Perspective and Use Pattern. Procedia. 216, 194-205.
  2. Chan, L., Erlings, E., Lau, S. & Zaw, H., 2016. A City Fit for Children: Mapping and Analysis of Child Friendly Cities Initiatives. The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Centre for Rights and Justice Occasional Paper.
  3. Chiesura, A., 2004. The Role of Urban Parks for the Sustainable City. Landscape Urban Planning, 68, 129-138.
  4. Dudek, M., Baumann, D. & Welle, A. 2007. Schools and Kindergartens: A Design Manual, Basel: Birkh?user.
  5. Frank, K.I., 2006. The Potential of Youth Participation in Planning. Journal of Planning Literature, 20, 351-371.
  6. Hakkarainen, P., Br?dikyt?, M., Jakkula, K. & Munter, H., 2013. Adult Play Guidance and Children's Play Development in a Narrative Play-world. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 21, 213-225.
  7. Heng, C.K. & Chan, V., 2000. The Making of Successful Public Space: a Case Study of People's Park Square. Urban Design International, 5, 47-55.
  8. Razak, M., Othman, N. & Nazir, N., 2016. Connecting People with Nature: Urban Park and Human Well-being. Procedia, 222, 476-484.
  9. Samuelsson, I.P., Carlsson, M. A., 2008. The Playing Learning Child: Towards a Pedagogy of Early Childhood. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 52, 623-641.
  10. Sarhan, A., Farghaly, Y., Elsayed, R., 2016. Measures and Attributes for Sustainability of Parks. Procedia, 34, 453-460.
  11. Scott, S. 2010. Architecture for Children. Camberwell: ACER Press.
  12. Turan, S.O., Pulatkan, M., Beyazl?, D., Ozen, B.S., 2016. User Evaluation of the Urban Park Design Implementation with Participatory Approach Process. Procedia, 216, 306-315.
  13. Xue, F., Gou, Z., Lau, S., 2017. The Green Open Space Development Model and Associated Use Behaviors in Dense Urban Settings: Lessons from Hong Kong and Singapore. Urban Design International, 22, 287-302.

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