M.K. Shnarbekova (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN),
A.S. Nikitina ,
E.I. Vasileva ,
T.E. Zerchaninova
(Russian Academy of National Economics and Public Administration, Ekaterinburg, RUSSIA),
A.V. Ruchkin
(Urals State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, RUSSIA).
Discipline: Youth Studies, Attitude Study & Analysis.
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doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.199
Keywords: Youth education; Youth's attitudes; Kazakhs youth; Youth values; Youth culture; Modern youth; Modern Russian; Educational environment.
An international study of the educational and professional attitudes of young people will allow for the determination of national models of attitudes and values of young people from different countries, as well as to identify factors influencing the formation of attitudes of young people. This study conducts a comparative analysis of the educational and professional attitudes of young people in Russia and Kazakhstan, helping to determine the main trends in the formation of educational attitudes and orientations of young people in the two post-Soviet countries, as well as their career strategies. The study hypothesizes that the youth of Russia and Kazakhstan have a high level of educational potential and motivation to obtain higher education. The survey results of young people in Kazakhstan and Russia aged 14-35 years (n = 2005) conducted in 2021. A sufficiently high level of career and educational aspirations of Russian and Kazakh youth, and a high level of motivation to study and work were revealed. The respondent majority from both countries recognize the value of higher education for professional and career growth and self-realization. The professional attitudes and desired professional guidelines of the youth of Russia and Kazakhstan are determined. The most prestigious professional fields, according to both groups of respondents, are law, medicine, economics, and the IT industry. The factors in choosing a profession are established: interest in the profession, high wages, and the role of the educational institution. This study reveals common features and features of educational and professional attitudes of young people in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Paper ID: 13A10J
Cite this article:
Shnarbekova, M.K., Nikitina, A.S., Vasileva, E.I., Zerchaninova, T.E., Ruchkin, A.V. (2022). Educational and Professional Attitudes of Kazakhstan and Russian Youth People. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 13(10), 13A10J, 1-10. http://TUENGR.COM/V13/13A10J.pdf DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.199