Olga Boris,
Valentina Parakhina,
Anna Nikulina
(Department of Management, North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, RUSSIA).
Discipline: Sociology, Youth Study.
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doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.206
Keywords: Youth; Public authority; Legislation; Youth policy; Stavropol Territory; Russia; Digitalization
Youth policy is the engine of the country's economic development in the context of digitalization. Young people who have the ability to adapt as quickly and effectively as possible to rapidly changing environmental conditions, allow to look at the existing digital economy instability from a side more favorable for the state. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that in the presence of a huge number of projects and programs, the youth of the country practically does not use this opportunity. The object of the study was one of the agrarian regions of Russia with many youth problems - the Stavropol Territory. To understand the specifics of the implementation and realization of modern youth policy, it is necessary to study scientific concepts and approaches to the interaction of the state, educational institutions, and society. According to the United Nations Youth Strategy, it is necessary to strive to strengthen the impact and scale up efforts undertaken at the global, regional, and international levels to meet the needs of youth, strengthen their capacity and empower young people in all their diversity around the world. The development of youth policy is, first of all, an indicator of society's commitment to its young citizens. National youth policy can be in the form of a policy, strategy, or law. It is shown that young people are reluctant to take part in various political events, based on the fact that we believe that there is a certain amount of distrust in the youth environment towards the state and the main power structures. The main organizers and initiators of many events are young people who develop their potential, and at the same time contribute to the improvement of the economy of the regions and the country as a whole. This is served by maintaining the foundations of youth parliamentarism and developing the managerial qualities of young people to realize their own potential in the socio-political sphere.
Paper ID: 13A10Q
Cite this article:
Boris, O., Parakhina, V., Nikulina A. (2022). The Effectiveness of Russian Youth Policy: Problems and Solutions in the Context of Digitalization. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 13(10), 13A10Q, 1-10. http://TUENGR.COM/V13/13A10Q.pdf DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.206