Mohammed Saleh Allam,
Ali Ibrahim Alharbi
(Information Technology Deanship, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA).
Discipline: Management (HRM), Information Technology.
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doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.210
Keywords:Digital; Transformation; Performance; Systems; electronic systems
Digital transformation is a complex and demanding process that requires the commitment of all the company's resources. Thus, this study spotlighted the knowledge of digital transformation skills and its roles in raising the efficient functionality in dealing with electronic systems, as well as the positive effect on the employees and the university as an environment. Also, the challenges and difficulties of digital transformation skills that are faced by the employees, and to what extent the employees know about it were recorded. Further, the relationship between digital transformation skills and the efficiency of career performance at the University was identified. To achieve the previous aims, the researchers used the case study approach and field study method based on an interview tool, conducted on the maximum diversity sample which consisted of 10 human resources employees. This study's results revealed that the employees sample had strong knowledge about applying digital transformation skills using electronic systems, and their levels of functional performance in applying digital transformation skills were increased. In addition, the available electronic systems have contributed effectively to improving employee performance. Moreover, the proportion of constraints faced by the employees was moderate, and the existing electronic systems received a high degree of positive evaluation in terms of their effectiveness. The study recommendations are to digitize all the current administrative procedures and enhance the awareness of administrative employees about the positive roles of digital transformation by improving the available infrastructure and existing systems to suit the technological development in terms of speed, performance, and suitability to business needs.
Paper ID: 13A10U
Cite this article:
Allam, M.S., Alharbi, A.I. (2022). Roles of Digital Transformation Skills in Enhancing the Efficiency of Job Performance. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 13(10), 13A10U, 1-12. http://TUENGR.COM/V13/13A10U.pdf DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.210