International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.13(2) (2022)

  • Strategies of Knowledge Management Techniques in Saudi Higher Education Institutions

    Hanaa Mohamed said (Department of Business Management Information System, College of Science and Humanities at Aalghat, Majmaah University, Al-Majmaah 11952, SAUDI ARABIA, and Faculty of Computing Science IT, Cairo, Egypt, Ahram Canadian University, 6 October, Cairo, EGYPT),
    Mona Gaber A. Abdel Hafez (Department of English, College of Science and Humanities at Aalghat, Majmaah University, Al-Majmaah 11952, SAUDI ARABIA, and Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Al Azhar University, Sohag, EGYPT),
    Rehab Farouk Elweza, (Department of English, College of Science and Humanities at Aalghat, Majmaah University, Al-Majmaah 11952, SAUDI ARABIA).

    Disciplinary: Knowledge Management.

    ➤ FullText

    doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.27

    Keywords: higher education institutions; knowledge management techniques; artificial neural networks (ANN).

    Many technical means are used to transform organizational inputs into outputs that contribute to knowledge management and development. Technologies are the most important determinant of knowledge management. Institutions that employ technologies in the best way to manage knowledge will have the best ability to survive and continuity in light of the current competition in the knowledge services market. The use of knowledge management techniques works to collect, classify, store, communicate or share knowledge between people and institutions, as well as improving the ability of employees to communicate with each other because there are no barriers that exist due to place, time, and job level, in addition to providing more flexibility in knowledge sharing. In light of this, this study seeks to shed light on recent trends in employing knowledge management techniques in Saudi higher education institutions

    Paper ID: 13A2F

    Cite this article:

    Said, H. M., Hafez, M. G. A., Elweza, R. F. (2022). . Strategies of Knowledge Management Techniques in Saudi Higher Education InstitutionsInternational Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 13(2), 13A2F, 1-14. http://TUENGR.COM/V13/13A2F.pdf DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.27


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