Yuliia Malakhova, Olena Lozhachevska, Victoria Ilchenko, Volodymyr Smagin (Department of Management (Kyiv), National Transport University of Ukraine, KYIV, UKRAINE),
Nadiia P. Reznik (Department of Management named after Professor Yosyp S. Zavadskiy, National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine, KYIV, UKRAINE).
Disciplinary: Business Management, Tax & Policy.
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doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.30
Keywords: Investments; costs; financial management; tax burden; investment management; investment program; performance.
The article examines the current state tax system's impact on the ability to finance investment costs of enterprises. In unstable market environment conditions of domestic enterprises' financial management system, the investment activity intensification problem for the purpose of their sustainable development and competitive position strengthening maintenance is actual. The insufficient level of modern enterprises' investment activity is due to limited investment resources. One of the important factors influencing this process is the current taxation system. For businesses, taxes are part of the profits that can be invested in their own development. In these conditions, the objective is to form an investment management system that would provide the company with the opportunity for sustainable development, contribute to the growth of production, increase profitability, increase competitiveness in the market. The scientific work proposes enterprise investment costs financing sources planning model depending on the limit value of the tax burden integrated coefficient. The developed model is an important component of financial management, which determines the level of financial constraints on the opportunities for enterprise development. The assessment of investment financing opportunities depending on the level of the tax burden was carried out according to Ukrtranstorg LLC. The comparison of the actual and the limit tax burden integrated coefficient values made it possible to determine the periods in which the enterprise's tax burden did not limit the possibility of borrowing funds to finance investment activities.
Paper ID: 13A2I
Cite this article:
Malakhova, Y., Lozhachevska, O, Ilchenko, V., Smagin, V., Reznik, N.P.(2022). Financial Opportunities Management of Ensuring Enterprise Investment CostsInternational Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 13(2), 13A2I, 1-10. http://TUENGR.COM/V13/13A2I.pdf DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.30