Fatima Nikolaevna Bidarova,
Oleg Valerievich Remizov,
Elena Nikolaevna Tsakhilova,
Viktoria Givievna Tsiklauri,
Madina Soslanbekovna Karaeva (North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia, Russia),
David Olegovich Kataev (GLS-Pharmaceuticals, Moscow, Russia).
Disciplinary: Pharmacy Management.
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doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.149
Keywords: audit procedures; automation; quality management; electronic checklist
The article discusses the practical aspects of using a set of programs and databases for computers (cloud service of electronic checklists), called the "Service Inspector" platform (or other analogues of platforms) for preventive measures, self-monitoring and internal audits in the quality system of pharmaceutical organizations and medical organizations. The rationale for choosing the "Service Inspector" platform (cloud service of electronic checklists) for the transition to automation of preventive measures and internal audits processes is presented, and the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen platform are described. The study highlights some problems in the implementation of preventive measures and internal audits in the quality system of pharmaceutical organizations. The disadvantages that arise when working with paper checklists are described, and ways to solve them by switching to electronic checklists. A sociological study of the practice of fulfilling mandatory requirements for internal audits in pharmaceutical organizations was conducted. The proposed software module for automating the processes of preventive measures and internal audits in pharmaceutical organizations will help minimize risks within pharmaceutical organizations, eliminate and prevent inconsistencies identified during the internal audit and prevent possible errors in the future. The control tool described in the article will increase the efficiency of the quality system of pharmaceutical organizations.
Paper ID: 13A8B
Cite this article:
Bidarova, F.N., Remizov, O.V., Tsakhilova, E.N., Tsiklauri V.G., Karaeva, M.S., Kataev, D.O. (2022). Development of an Automated Module for Preventive Measures and Internal Audits in Pharmaceutical Organizations. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 13(8), 13A8B, 1-13. http://TUENGR.COM/V13/13A8B.pdf DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.149