Ahmed A. Alfakhry
(Architectural Department, College of Engineering, University of Mosul,41002, Mosul, IRAQ).
Discipline: Architecture, War and Conflict & Peace Study, Disaster & Emergency Management.
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doi: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.175
Keywords: Mosul; Rehabilitation of Mosques; Emergency Shelters; Convenience; Accessibility; Shelter basic infrastructure.
Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, sits in the north of Iraq with 3.5-million population. Mosul underwent brutal battles against extremist groups after 2003, which ended victim with the fall of the city in the grip of ISIS troops in 2014. Subsequent military actions have led to an internal displacement of millions of Mosul’s residents to other safer neighbourhoods. Displacement of families also took the form of migration to other cities in Iraq. This horrific scenario necessitated the importance of finding suitable emergency shelters in the city designed and prepared to receive the displaced from all over the war-hit zones. These emergency shelters can be the existing buildings within the city that can be conveniently transformed into emergency shelters. The provided facilities should be regularly distributed within the city’s neighbourhoods and are easily accessible. Moreover, they should accommodate many displaced people and meet minimal requirements for establishing shelters. The mosques in Mosul could be the best choice for emergency shelter specifications. Evidence has shown that mosques can be used as emergency shelters during recent disastrous situations. This study investigates the prospect of converting mosques in Mosul into emergency shelters during wars, conflicts, and even natural disasters. To this end, some of the newly constructed and relatively large mosques were selected to verify whether they are designed to meet international standards for constructing emergency shelters. The results revealed that the selected mosques in Mosul city could be used as emergency shelters by just adding a few functions.
Paper ID: 13A9G
Cite this article:
Alfakhry, A.A. (2022). The Possibility of Converting Some of Mosul's Mosques to Emergency Shelters in Case of Conflicts and Disasters. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 13(9), 13A9G, 1-15. http://TUENGR.COM/V13/13A9G.pdf DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2022.175