International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642



  • FMECA Analysis of Random Mechanical Failures of a Coal System in a Surface Mine

    Safet Rika, Elizabeta Hristovska, Zlatko Sovreski, Sevde Stavreva (Faculty of Technical Sciences, University St. Kliment Ohridski–Bitola, R. N. MACEDONIA).

    Discipline: Industrial Engineering and Management.

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    doi: 10.15456/ITJEMAST.2024.2

    Keywords: Failure analysis; Rotor excavator; FMECA; Risk priority number (RPN); Belt covoeyor; SH400.

    This paper analyzes the random mechanical failures that occurred with SH 400 rotary excavators in the open (surface) coal mine in Oslomej, Kichevo, North Macedonia, for the period January 2019-2021, especially in the transport system of the excavator, referring to the data recorded by the dispatching services of the power plant. The paper deals with the failure hours and frequency of failures occurring in some subsystems of SH 400 rotary excavators and coal crushers, especially the conveyorrubber belt - their carrier structure, conveyor rubber belt, rollers, and drums. The contribution of this paper is to present the methodology for identifying potential failures before they occur, by applying FMECA as a qualitative and quantitative analysis for the coal system and calculation of the risk priority number (RPN).

    Paper ID: 15A1B

    Cite this article:

    Rika S., Hristovska E., Sovreski Z., Stavreva S. (2024). FMECA Analysis of Random Mechanical Failures of a Coal System in a Surface Mine. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 15(1), 15A1B, 1-12. http://TUENGR.COM/V15/15A1B.pdf DOI: 10.15456/ITJEMAST.2024.2


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