International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(6) (2021)


  1. Agyeman, J. & Evans, B. (2004). 'Just sustainability: the emerging discourse of environmental justice in Britain. Geographical Journal, 170 (2), 155-164.
  2. Ahman, H. (2013). Social sustainability: Society at the intersection of development and maintenance. Local Environment -The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 18(10), 1153-1166.
  3. Axelsson, R., Angelstam, P., Degerman, E., Teitelbaum, S., Andersson, K., Elbakidze, M. et al. (2013). Social and cultural sustainability?: Criteria, indicators, verifier variables for measurement, and maps for visualization to support planning. AMBIO, 42, 215-228.
  4. Baffoe, G. & Mutisya, E. (2015). Social sustainability?: a review of indicators and empirical application. Environmental Management And Sustainable Development. 4(2), 242-262.
  5. Bramley, G. & Dempsey, N., Power, S., & Brown, C. (2006). What is 'social sustainability, and how do our existing urban forms perform in nurturing it. Planning Research Conference, London. (April), 1-40.
  6. Carmona, M., Heath, T., Oc, T. & Tiesdell, S. (2003). Urban spaces-public places: the dimensions of urban design. Oxford: Architectural Press.
  7. Chan, E. & Lee, G. K. L. (2008). Critical factors for improving the social sustainability of urban renewal projects. Social Indicators Research, 85, 243-256.
  8. Dempsey, N., Bramley, G., Power, S. & Brown, C. (2009). The social dimension of sustainable development: Defining urban social sustainability. Sustainable Development, 19(5), 289-300.
  9. Eizenberg, E. & Jabareen, Y. (2017). Social sustainability?: a new conceptual framework. Sustainability. 9(68),1-16.
  10. Hopwood, B., Mellor, M., & Brien, G. O. (2005). Sustainable Development?: mapping different approaches, Sustainable Development, 13, 38-52. DOI. 10.1002/sd.244
  11. Hospers, G. J. (2010). Lynch's The image of the city after 50 years: city marketing lessons from an urban planning classic. European Planning Studies, 18(12), 2073-2080.
  12. Jabareen, Y. R. (2006). Sustainable urban forms. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 26(1), 38-52.
  13. Kefayati Z. & Moztarzadeh, H. (2015). Developing effective social sustainability indicators in architecture. Bulletin of Environment Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 4(5), 40-56.
  14. Kuhlman, T. & Farrington, J. (2010). What is sustainability?. Sustainability, 2, 3436-3448.
  15. Littig, B. & Griessler, E. (2005). Social sustainability?: a catchword between political pragmatism and social theory social sustainability. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(1/2).
  16. Lynch, K. (1960). The image of the city. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  17. Miller, C. A. (2007). Creating indicators of sustainability- A social approach. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Canada.
  18. Rasouli, A. H. & Kumarasuriyar, A. (2016). The social dimensions of sustainability?: towards some definitions and analysis. Journal of Social Science for Policy Implication, 4(2), 23-34.
  19. Spangenberg, J. H. (2004). Reconciling sustainability and growth: criteria, indicators, policies. Sustainable Development, 12(2).
  20. Vallance, S., Perkins, H. C. & Dixon, J. E. (2011). What is social sustainability?? A clarification of concepts. Geoforum, 42(3), 342-348.
  21. WCED. (1987). Our common future. World Commission on Environment and Development, USA: Oxford University Press.

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