International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(6) (2021)


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  9. Hertzberger, H. (1991). Lessons for Students in Architecture. (I. Rike, Trans.) Rotterdam, The Netherlands: 010 Publishers.
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  11. Kendall S., Teicher J. (2000). Residential Open Building. E&FN Spon. London.
  12. Keymer M. (2000). Design strategies for new and renovation construction that increase the capacity of buildings to accommodate change. MSc Thesis. Cambridge.
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  14. Krstic, D. (2001). Real Internal Flexibility of Housing Structure in Residential Buildings for Collective Housing. Housing Towards the Third Millennium.
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  17. Moffatt, S., & Russell, P. (2001). Assessing the adaptability of buildings. IEA Annex, 31.
  18. Omer Arshad Al-Hafez. (2012). Adaptability as a strategy towards affordable housing The Effects of Design Characteristics on Dwellings' Adaptability in Low Rise Multifamily Housing. MSc thesis, Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mosul.
  19. Rabeneck, A., Sheppard, D., & Town, P. (1973). Housing Flexibility?. Architectural Design, 43, 698-727.
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  21. Schmitz, A. (2000). Multifamily Housing Development Handbook. Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute.
  22. Schneider, T., & Till, J. (2005). Flexible housing: opportunities and limits. Arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 9(2), 157-166.
  23. Schneider, T., & Till, J. (2007). Flexible Housing book. Oxford, UK: Architectural Press, 289p.
  24. Stojiljkovic, B. (2004). Flexibility of Apartments for the Market. In Proceedings of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Nis, No 20.

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