International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.11(3) (2020)


    Alexander A. Pugachev, A.Yu. Drakin, A.N. Shkolin (Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Bryansk State Technical University, RUSSIA )

    Disciplinary: Electrical Engineering (Motor Engineering).

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    DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.46

    Keywords: Asynchronous motor; AC electric motor; Behavioral simulation; Equivalent thermal circuit; Power losses; Finite element model; Differential equations; Control system; State and rotor windings; Cooling system; Overheating.

    The paper justifies the need to monitor and control the thermal state of the induction motor as a whole and its windings, as the most heat-loaded elements. A review of modern methods of measuring and determining the temperature of windings (including rotating) is carried out. It showed trends in the use of non-contact methods for determining temperature using mathematical models based on the finite element method and relevant thermal equivalent circuits. To determine the temperature distribution, an equivalent thermal model of an induction motor, consisting of 53 nodes, 31 of which are heat generating was developed. To determine the losses, a T-shaped equivalent circuit for replacing motor windings was used, taking into account losses in steel, non-linearity of the magnetization curve and the effect of current displacement in the rotor winding. The simulation results in steady and transient modes are presented.

    Paper ID: 11A03F

    Cite this article:

    Alexander A. Pugachev, A. A., Drakin, A.Yu., Shkolin, A.N. (2020). BEHAVIORAL SIMULATION OF INDUCTION MOTOR TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(3), 11A03F, 1-18.


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