International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.11(14) (2020)
(Special Issue: Selected Articles from IDSISA2020 Conference @ Russia)


    O.A. Krasnova, N.P. Kazantseva, M.R. Kudrin, E.V. Khardina, M.I. Vasilieva, M.G. Pushkaryov, N.A. Sannikova (Department of Private Livestock, Faculty of Zoo Engineering, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, city of Izhevsk, RUSSIA).

    Disciplinary: Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Swine Science, Pig Husbandry, Pig Farming and Production, Biotechnology.

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    DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.274

    Keywords: Pig reproductive qualities; Hybrid piglets; Crossbred breeding system; Genotypes pigs; Pig farming development; Danish Landrace boars; Canadian Landrace boars; Pig fattening; Pork quality; Large White; Yorkshire; Landrace.

    This research focuses on the reproductive qualities of cross-breeding sows of different breeding options, growth rate and development of hybrid piglets during periods of suckling and nursery, and on the assessment of fattening and meat qualities with different genotypes. The best reproductive performance was observed when crossing crossbred sows (LW x L) with Duroc boars: multiple fertility reached 14 baby piglets, the weight of a piglet 1.6 kg, livability up to weaning 93.8%, live weight before weaning 6.5 kg. Hybrid piglets from the first and second groups were characterized with the best growth rate during suckling and nursery periods; they were obtained from a combination of sows of Large White x Landrace of Canadian and Danish breeding with Duroc boars. Best results in fattening and slaughter qualities of hybrid young animals were obtained with a combination of sows (LW x Y) with Canadian Landrace boars, and also with a combination of sows (LW x Y) with Danish Landrace boars: early maturity 145-146 days, average daily gain 990.4 g, slaughter yield 80.9% and 79.6%, respectively. The length of the carcasses of young animals of the third group in this experiment was larger in comparison to their herd mates in the second and first groups, respectively. Piglets from the second group (LW x L c.) xD had the smallest fat depth, and fattening livestock from the third and fourth groups had the largest one; these animals also had a higher pre-slaughter weight. Fat depth in the second (LW x L c.) xD group was less, compared to the third and the fourth groups. According to research results, for increasing the production of pork and for improving its quality under industrial conditions, it is recommended to use Canadian and Danish Landrace boars at the final stage of crossbreeding in a three-breed combination i.e., Large White x Yorkshire x Landrace.

    Paper ID: 11A14G

    Cite this article:

    Krasnova, O.A., Kazantseva, N.P., Kudrin, M.R., Khardina, E.V., Vasilieva, M.I., Pushkaryov, M.G., Sannikova, N.A. (2020). PRODUCTIVE QUALITIES OF HYBRID PIGS. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(14), 11A14G, 1-10.


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