Toan Ngoc Bui * (Faculty of Finance and Banking, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH), VIETNAM ).
Disciplinary: Management Sciences (Banking), Real Estate Study.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.81
Keywords: House price index; Housing market; Lending interest rate; Real estate in Vietnam; ARDL.
The paper investigates the impact of interest rate on housing prices in Ho Chi Minh city from 2009:Q1 to 2018:Q4. The author employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to estimate the research model. The results indicate that housing prices are significantly influenced by the interest rate in the short run and long run. Specifically, the interest rate exerts a positive impact on housing prices in the short run. However, this influence turns into negative in the long run. The study greatly succeeds in finding the impact of interest rate on housing prices in the short run and long run. Further, the results provide first empirical evidence on the correlation between interest rates and housing prices in Ho Chi Minh city as well as Vietnam, thereby being meaningful for Ho Chi Minh city as well as other provinces in Vietnam.
Paper ID: 11A05A
Seyed Ali Shahtaheri, Kaveh Teymournejad (Management Department, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN )
Disciplinary: Management Sciences (Business Management and Banking).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.82
Keywords: Knowledge-based human resource management; Relational asset; Human capital; Structural capital; Innovative performance.
Innovation function in organizations is; primarily; considered to be a human issue in which individuals cultivate opinions to develop and implement them with respect to knowledge and individuals' relationships in the organization. An innovative function can influence human resource management (HRM) and existing knowledge in organizations' innovation; the study's purpose is to investigate the effect of knowledge-based; intellectual capital and innovation methods of HRM in Ministry of Education; Tehran District 7. The study's methodology is description-survey. The method of data collection is field type, and the method of data collection has been a standard questionnaire; the statistical population includes 60 staff of the Ministry of Education in Tehran District-7. Valid and measurable questionnaires have been collected and then they have been analyzed by structural equations SmartPls2; then obtained results show that immediate factors are effective between HRM and innovative function in this study.
Paper ID: 11A05B
Mati Ullaha *, Allah Noor Khan (Institute of Education & Research, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Education Sciences (Secondary Education), Psychology.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.83
Keywords: Students' confidence; Social adjustment; Public School; Academic success; Secondary education; Self-confidence.
Adjustment is the interaction between a person and his environment. It is the ability to bring a desirable change in society. Similarly, confidence is the belief about yourself, your abilities and experiences. This is a cross-sectional study wherein all the public, private secondary schools and Deeni Madaris of the southern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan was the population of the study. The main purpose of the study was to compare public, private schools and Deeni Madaris students about confidence as a social adjustment in society, using questionnaires as a study tool. The respondents included principals, teachers, students, and parents were a sample of study by applying L.R.Gay Sample Size rule of thumb. The simple random, disproportionate, stratified and convenient sampling was used for a sample collection from respondents. Data were statistically analyzed through frequency and one way ANOVA which provides significant information for the stakeholders and policymakers. The study finds that students from all the institutions whether public, private and Deeni Madaris are confident about their social adjustment in society.
Paper ID: 11A05C
Masood Akhtar *, Qamar Afaq Qureshi (Department of Public Administration, Gomal University, D.I. Khan, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Management Sciences, Healthcare Management.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.84
Keywords: Quality of Work Life(QWL); Individual Work Performance; Doctors' work performance; Hospitals' performance.
This study investigated the relationship between promotion, work environment and performance. The survey approach was used. Cross-sectional data werecollected and used in the analysis. The descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, standard deviation, correlation, regression, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA),and Cronbach's alpha were used. SPSS?25 and AMOS-SEM18 were used for statistical analysis. The findings revealed that all the scales were reliable, valid and all the variables are significantly and positively related toeach other. It is concluded that promotion is the most significant and dominant variable in the model for improving the performance of employees. This research is helpful in bringing valuable information to the government of Pakistan by considering this concept/variable as a tool for enhancing the doctors' performance in the above-mentioned context.
Paper ID: 11A05D
Thu-Trang Thi Doan *(Faculty of Finance and Banking, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH), VIETNAM ).
Disciplinary: Financial Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.85
Keywords: Cash conversion cycle; Generalized Method of Moment (GMM); Profitability of fisheries enterprises; Supply chain finance; Enterprise size; Working capital management; Vietnam.
This article uses the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) to analyze the impacts of working capital management on the profitability of fisheries enterprises in Vietnam. Not only that, the author also considers the role of the supply chain finance in this impact, which is new to this study compared to the previous studies. The study data is collected from 20 fishery enterprises listed on Vietnam's stock market, for the period of 2010-2018. The study results show that the profitability (ROA) of the enterprises is negatively affected by accounts receivable period (AR), inventory period (INV), accounts payable period (AP) and cash conversion cycle (CCC). In addition, this study has found significant impacts of enterprise size (SIZE), leverage (LEV), economic growth (GDP) and inflation (INF) on profitability (ROA) of the enterprise. The study results are a reliable basis to help managers at the fisheries enterprises to better understand the impact of working capital management and especially the supply chain finance on the profitability of the enterprise.
Paper ID: 11A05E
Nazakat Hussain, Imran Riaz Malik *(Department of Business Administration, Iqra University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Financial Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.86
Keywords: AEEMs; Commodity; DCC GARCH Model; Global Financial Crisis; Market turmoil; Forex market; Subprime crisis; Equity risk.
The terms contagion and interdependence strike the mainstream literature, specifically in times of crisis in financial markets. This study put an effort to examine the contagion and interdependence among Asian Emerging Equity Markets (AEEMs) (e.g., China, Taiwan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Philippines, India, and Indonesia), and the developed market of the US, Gold, WTI and UDI during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). This study adds to the literature on portfolio diversification by testing the dynamic correlation among AEEMs, gold prices, oil prices, and forex markets during tranquil and turmoil situations. The multivariate GARCH-DCC model is applied to data series. To measure interdependence and contagion, the data is divided into tranquil and turmoil time period. Hence, in this study for GFC, the data is divided into tranquil (03-01-2005 to 16-07-2007) and turmoil (17-07-2007 to 31-08-2009) time period. The results show that except for China, Philippines, Taiwan, gold and forex markets, most of the AEEMs and oil markets were influenced by the contagion effect during the U.S. subprime crisis. The study indicates that in order to reduce the risk of equity portfolio at the time of crises, investors can add gold and forex in their portfolios.
Paper ID: 11A05F
Maidodo Adam Maiyaki *, Azizan Marzuki (School of Housing, Building, and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang, MALAYSIA ),
Abdullahi Alhassan Ahmed ( Department of Estate Management and Valuation, Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, NIGERIA ).
Disciplinary: Environmental Management (Solid Waste Management).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.87
Keywords: Waste management development, Solid Waste Management Practices, Nigeria's waste management policy; Urban solid waste management (USWM).
Solid waste management concerns with the administration of the generation, storage, collection, transfer, transport, processing, and disposal of solid waste in correspondent with the best principle of public health, economic engineering conservation, aesthetics and other environmental considerations which are responsive to public attitudes. The continually rising worldwide concern on ecological wellbeing requires that wastes be appropriately administered and discarded harmoniously and satisfactorily. This would minimize, and where possible dispense its potential damage to people, plants, animals and natural resources. Urban solid waste management development in Nigeria can be traced the back to late 1980s. With the rise in population, urbanization, and industrialization alongside globalization, the challenge of urban solid waste management (USWM) has escalated with its attendant human and environmental problems that need to be attended to. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to review government policy related to waste management, development, and practices in developing countries particularly, Nigeria cities from 1988 to date. Finally, this paper is a conceptual paper achieved through the review method.
Paper ID: 11A05G
Mubeen Abdur Rehman, Muhammad Kashif Khurshid *, Muhammad Iltaf , Muhammad Ans Hafeez (Department of Management Science, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad, PAKISTAN ).
Muhammad Kashif (Govt. Degree College Khurrianwala Faisalabad, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Financial Sciences and Management.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.88
Keywords: Systematic risk (beta); Degree of operating leverage (DOL); Degree of financial leverage (DFL); Degree of combined leverage (DCL); Firm size; Tobin's Q.
This study examines the relationship between leverage and systematic risk using high and low capital intensive firms for a period of six years (2010-2015). With the help of a simple random sampling technique, the data of 94 non-financial firms state the impact of leverage on systematic risk and it is found that degrees of operating leverage (DOL) and Degree of combined leverage (DCL) have significant while degrees of financial leverage (DFL) has an insignificant impact on systematic risk. Secondly, the core objective of this study is to differentiate the outcomes of high and low capital-intensive firms. Hence, the results concluded that in the case of high capital-intensive firms, the result of DOL and DFL is positively significant on systematic risk (beta). On the other hand, by compelling the low capital-intensive firms, the result is insignificant. The empirical results showed that capital intensity does influence leverage due to which leverage has a consistent impact on systematic risk.
Paper ID: 11A05H
Mohammad Saquib (Department of Architecture, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal (Sonepat) 131039, INDIA, and Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, INDIA).
Disciplinary: Architectural Sciences, Architectural Education.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.89
Keywords: Design competition; Public Interest Design; Learning outcomes; User satisfaction; Design studio pedagogy; Live projects.
The design studio remains an essential mode of learning for students to develop their basic design sensibilities. However, it often lacks discussions on real issues and challenges and rarely attempts at creating real-time changes in our built environment making design pedagogy only partly real. Design competitions provide an alternative to the conventional design studio environment and often seek design responses to real issues of our society. Design competitions facilitate informal learning among students where they enhance their design skills in a self-motivated and collaborative environment. One such experiment was witnessed in India in a National Design Competition (ANDC) that sought to redesign and build abandoned public spaces. The study aimed to evaluate the success of such projects in a real-time environment and their effectiveness in enhancing learning outcomes among students. Six projects designed and built by students from various schools in the Delhi-NCR region were studied and their learning outcomes were evaluated. Quantitative and qualitative data obtained was used to perform triangulation in a mixed-methods approach. Results obtained revealed a positive impact of the projects in their environments. Projects that engaged the community in their process of design created a more positive impact in their immediate environments. Other factors reporting success were collaboration and students' motivation.
Paper ID: 11A05I
Qazi Mohammed Ahmed *, Osman Sadiq Paracha , Aneel Salman (Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Marketing Sciences, Information Technology, and Social Media.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.90
Keywords: Remuneration Motivation; Consumers' attitudes; Purchase intentions; Behavioral Intention; Electronic word of mouth; Young segment consumers; Perceived social media advertising value (PSMAV).
The study explores the association between remuneration motivation and the underlying behavioral intentions to purchase and participate in electronic word of mouth (eWOM), through social media advertising (SMA). The study proposes that this relationship is mediated by perceived social media advertising value (PSMAV) and consumers' attitudes towards social media advertising (CATSMA). The survey draws evidence from a set of 673 usable responses comprising of young and active social media users, belonging from recognized universities of the twin cities (Islamabad & Rawalpindi) of Pakistan. A component-based structural equation modeling technique has been utilized through SmartPLS 3. The findings reveal that remuneration exerts a significant impact on PSMAV and CATSMA but shows an insignificant association with behavioral intentions. Both PSMAV and CATSMA fully mediate the relationship between remuneration and behavioral outcomes. The paper extends advertising literature on social media within an under-researched context of Pakistan's fashion industry. It also assists the advertisers in backing their social media campaigns with financial rewards for enhancing advertising value and generating positive consumer attitudes.
Paper ID: 11A05J
Aamir Khan (Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, PAKISTAN ),
Aneel Salman (Department of Economics, COMSATS University Islamabad, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Economic and Management Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.91
Keywords: Mergers & Acquisitions; Political Stability; Governance Quality; Horizontal and Non-horizontal Acquisitions; Serial and First-time Acquirors; Event Study; Cumulative Abnormal Returns.
This study examines the impact of cross-border merger & acquisition deals on the stock prices of acquiring firms using event study methodology. The sample comprises of the 236 UK listed firms from 2006 to 2018. The overall findings show that cross-border M&A deals results in a positive stock price reaction. Shareholders of UK acquiring firms earn higher cumulative abnormal returns when the target firm is from a country with high political stability and governance quality. Furthermore, the shareholders of firms that acquire firms with low net debt also earn higher cumulative abnormal returns. Industry relatedness has a positive impact whereas there is no difference between first-time and serial acquirers' performance.
Paper ID: 11A05K
Ahmad Faiz Hassan Naziri *, Salahuddin Abdul Hakeem Abas, Ismail Samsuddin, and Mohamed Nizam Abdul Aziz (Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying (FSPU), Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak Branch, Seri Iskandar Campus, Perak, MALAYSIA ).
Disciplinary: Architectural Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.92
Keywords: Architectural creativity; Architectural expertise; Architectural education; Architectural design process; Architectural design thinking.
Architecture is one of the disciplines that involve creativity within its core designing activities. Creativity occurs through a process when a person uses his/her ability (mental and physical) to generate design ideas as solutions that are novel, practical and valuable. This investigation focuses on the design process and principles of the expert and visionary Malaysian architects, which is Ar. Hijjas Kasturi and Ar. Serina Hijjas. In this investigation, the architects were interviewed on their design experiences while dealing and solving complex problems of architectural design. The initial findings indicate that these architects shared common traits of dynamic principles with other master architects throughout the world of creativity and expertise in architectural design. Such principles are considered exemplary design thinking tools that can inspire students and young architects to be more creative and innovative.
Paper ID: 11A05L
Sergei Dotsenko * (
Department of Building Production and Engineering Structures, Far Eastern State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ),
Lyudmila Kryuchkova (
Department of Higher Mathematics, Far Eastern State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ),
Viktor Samuylo (
Department of Operation and Repair of Transport-technological Machines and Complexes, Far Eastern State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Animal Sciences (Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.93
Keywords: Micro-additives; Production line; Feed technology; Mechanized feeding system; Feed binder; Vitamins; protein substances; Biological value; Compound feed.
This article presents the results of the development of a new method for the preparation of protein and vitamin granules of high biological value. An innovative method for producing protein and vitamin granules with a high content of protein substances in an amount of at least 30%, ?-carotene at a level of 240 mg/kg, vitamin E 910 mg/kg with a pellet strength of at least 95% were substantiated and proposed. The implementation of this method in the system of mechanized feeding of animals and poultry on small and medium-sized farms allows you to prepare a feed product of high biological value with a significant reduction in costs, energy, labor, and funds.
Paper ID: 11A05M
Tariq Mehmood Bhuttah *, Hakim Ullah, Saima Javed, Chen Xiaoduan (School of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, No. 199, South Chang'an Road, Xi'an, 710062, CHINA ).
Disciplinary: Education Sciences (Primary Education).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.94
Keywords: Education status; Educational aid; Reform challenges; Basic education; Education Reforms; Poor education; Teacher training; Educational failure.
The educational system of Pakistan has been suffering long-term problems in the form of access, quality, and equal opportunity on the primary level. The unregulated, underfunded education system of Pakistan needs a complete overhaul. The purpose of this exploratory review based study is to discuss the existing failures, obstacles, and challenges of Pakistan's educational system on the primary level and propose suggestions to reform it based on the current educational statistical and policies post-independence. Further, it also tried to determine the role and hurdle between foreign aid and a functional primary education system of Pakistan. This study concluded with the significant issues and challenges such as a shortage in terms of facilities and services to accommodate the growing need on the primary education level. Lower participation rates of children are mainly because of the ever-increasing poverty. Further, distance from Schools and parents' ignorance and security issues are leading towards high opportunity cost of education, child labor. There is a strong need to focus on primary education with well-defined goals by Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). These goals can be achieved by addressing all the aspects of primary education simultaneously, such as governance, financing, access, equality, teachers training, curriculum, ICT, and facilities with clean water, electricity, sanitation, etc.
Paper ID: 11A05N
Amirreza Estakhrian Haghighi *, Abdolreza Shirazi * (Department of Computer & Information Technology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, IRAN ).
Disciplinary: Multidisciplinary (Information Sciences, Management).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.95
Keywords: Decision Tree method; Artificial Neural Network (ANN); Learning algorithm; Customer loyalty prediction; Data Mining; Data training; K-Means clustering; Multilayer perceptron (MLP).
The secret to staying in the business world today is having satisfied and pleased customers who buy the company services over and over again and introduce such products/services to others. These companies need to know what the customer wants and how they can adapt to the customer's needs according to customer preferences over time. In this work, the factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty of Ofogh Koorosh stores were studied and then analyzed using data mining techniques and methods and the extent to which each factor influenced their loyalty. The results of the decision tree and artificial neural network (ANN) with different segmentation of observed data and evaluation criteria of the obtained models show that in the decision tree model with clustering criteria and dividing data set into six clusters the burden of computation and classification accuracy have been increased, and each criterion is initially prioritized within itself. The results of these clusters are combined and the results accurately predict customer loyalty. The proportionality between accuracy and readability criteria in this algorithm indicates that the considered criteria values are well averaged and have a uniform distribution because the detection rates of the samples with low priority over the samples compared with high priority are almost equal. In other words, criteria have well recognized the high and low-priority decision tree algorithm. In neural networks both in modeling (training) and in the validation (testing) it shows the high coefficient of explanation but with the observation of error rate of both modeling and validation it can be concluded that it is possible to have unbalanced data in our dataset. The error rate of the decision tree is less than the ANN according to F-values, indicating the decision tree as a whole is more successful in estimating burnout and prioritization than ANN.
Paper ID: 11A05O
Victor Volik, Dilaram Ismailova, Valery Lukashenko (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Poultry Processing Industry, Branch of the Federal Scientific Center, VNITIP RAS (VNIIPP), RUSSIA ),
Irina Saleeva (Poultry Production Technology Department, Federal Scientific Center All-Russian Research Institute of Poultry Russian Academy of Sciences (Federal Scientific Center VNITIP RAS), RUSSIA
Vitaliy Morozov (Research and Production Consulting Center, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Animal Sciences (Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.96
Keywords: Protein feed additives; Lipid oxidation; Molecular weight distribution of peptides; Antioxidant capacity; Biologically active feed additives; Antioxidant enzyme (AOE); Hydrolyzate.
Feed additives were obtained using high-temperature hydrolysis in a thin layer and subsequent fermented hydrolysis. In this work, we studied some biochemical properties of biologically active feed additives obtained from raw materials from poultry waste containing keratin and collagen. There were studied the molecular-mass distribution of peptides in samples of biologically active feed additives and found that the bulk of them are represented by low molecular weight peptides with a molecular weight of less than 5 kDa, and the largest share of this fraction is contained in the feed additive from keratin-containing raw materials (91.5%). The antioxidant capacity of the hydrophilic fraction of feed additives concerning the peroxyl radical varies between 142-219 ?mol TEQ/g. When studying AOE in poultry meat during storage at +4?? for 5 days, it was found that the main differences in AOE in poultry meat samples during storage relate to indicators in the pectoralis muscle of the bird, where the increase in AOE at 38 days of age when using dietary intake No. 3 amounted to 13.7%, and in 49 days of maintenance 67.9% of the AOE in the control group. Consequently, the use of biologically active feed additives in the diet of poultry instead of fishmeal contributes to an increase in the antioxidant capacity of meat and its better preservation.
Paper ID: 11A05P
Suzan T. Ismail *, Fenk D. Miran (Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University, Erbil, IRAQ ).
Disciplinary: Sustainable Architecture, Cultural Sciences, Energy Conservation, Education Sciences, Environmental Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.97
Keywords: CFD analysis; Windcatcher height; Traditional architectural element; IES VE; Classroom thermal comfort; Building performance simulation; Classroom CO2; Classroom relative humidity; Windcatcher function; Classroom temperature; Hot arid climate.
Windcatcher is a traditional element that has been used as a passive cooling technique in hot, dry regions many centuries ago. This study, assess the thermal performance of integrated windcatcher to a prototype school building and its influence on classroom and occupants in a hot arid climate. The research examines the effect of changing the windcatcher morphological feature, specifically the height on its functioning concerning the thermal performance parameters of mean radiant temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 concentration. The simulation process was adopted by using the 2018 IES Virtual Environment simulation tool plus CFD analysis. The results indicate that under the climatic conditions of Erbil city, the height of the windcatcher affects directly the thermal conditions of an integrated space. To create appropriate airflow and provide adequate ventilation rate with the potential to reduce mean radiant temperature 5?C, the height should be less than 9m. Windcatcher with a height of 9m achieved the best results in comparison with higher models as it reduced the cooling load by nearly 60% of the demand energy, compared to the traditional windcatchers design with height more than 15m. Additionally, the findings indicated that constructing a windcatcher with height less than 6m can achieve a similar result to the higher design, besides it costs less and has a more aesthetic preference.
Paper ID: 11A05Q

Rai Imtiaz Hussain * (Department of Business, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, MALAYSIA and Department of Management Sciences, University of Okara, PAKISTAN ),
Noor Saadah, Faridah Ibrahim (Department of Business, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, MALAYSIA ),
Jaspal Singh Joginder (Department of Accounting, Sunway University Business School, Sunway University, MALAYSIA ),
Muhammad Hanzla (School of Economics and Management, Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing, CHINA ).
Disciplinary: Economics and Management Sciences (Finance).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.98
Keywords: World Financial Crisis; Imminent Cash Flows; Accrual Components; Pakistan Stock Exchange; Disaggregated accruals; Free cash flow (FCF); Trading assets (TA), Financial asset (FA); Financial liabilities (FL); Trading liabilities (TL); Post financial crisis; Non-trading liabilities (NTL); Non-trading assets (NTA).
The objective of the study was to find out the relationship among further extended disaggregated accruals and forecast of imminent cash flows in the developing market of Pakistan during the global financial crisis 2008-09 and pre and post-global financial crisis. Panel data of 8154 firms-years observations were analyzed through panel least square. Hausman and redundant fixed effect tests suggested a fixed-effects model. The stationarity of variables was tested and correlation and regression analysis were conducted. The association of variables during the financial crisis and pre and post-financial crisis was controlled through dummy variables. The study finds that disaggregated accruals as extended components of disaggregated accruals regressed the estimate of imminent cash flows significantly except financial assets. Additionally, results were not affected throughout the global financial crisis 2008-09 for emerging markets of Pakistan but the prediction of future cash flows was affected pre and post-financial crisis 2008-09. Furthermore, the association between the pre-financial crisis and forecast of imminent cash flows was negative but found positive in the post-financial crisis.
Paper ID: 11A05R
Kausar Naheed *, Ijaz Hussain (Department of Economics, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Cross-disciplinary (Economic and Management Sciences, Food System & Policy and Nutrition).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.99
Keywords: Food Demand; Elasticity Measurement; Marshallian elasticity; Food price elasticity; Cross-price elasticity; Elasticity of food demand items.
The structural change is considered as the heart of development and each country is required to change its strategies due to the economic changes as well as the shift in external as well as domestic environments. In this connection, Pakistan has experienced different complexed phases during the past decades and thus introduced various reforms towards the different sectors of economies. In many developing countries like Pakistan, nutrient deficiencies tend to hinder the development of human potentials and social and economic development of the country, food biologically is a basic need, hence plays a very impotent role in lifestream of all the existence of human being. As all food items are less or more important but a yardstick which measures their need is called elasticity of food demand items. In Pakistan, starvation, in this regard, is solemn apprehension that is gloomily experienced in children and mothers and no further development is evident. The malnutrition leading causal influences are poor health status and insufficient food intake as subjective to a shortage of resources and deficiency to food access, family size and feeding practices. This study objective also estimates capacities spent and economical stake by projected price elasticity for prediction in the future towards total food demand in Pakistan.
Paper ID: 11A05S
Ivan Egorov *, Vardges Manukyan, Tatyana Lenkova, Tatyana Egorova
(Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Center "All-Russian Research and Technological Poultry Institute" of Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA ),
Ilya Nikonov (Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Animal Sciences (Poultry Science, Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology), Biotechnology.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.100
Keywords: Broiler chickens; Digestive enzymes; Zootechnical indicators; Hen live weight; Sweet lupine; Initial lines B6; B7 and B8 of meat chickens.
This article presents the results of studies on the use of white lupine in compound feeds for meat chickens of the three source lines and broiler chickens of the SGC “Smena” selection. The objective of the research was to determine the effect of different white lupine in animal feed from plant components on the zootechnical parameters of broiler chickens and meat chickens of the initial lines B6 (Cornish breed), B7 (Plimutrok breed) and B8 (Plimutrok breed). To achieve this goal, zootechnical and physiological experiments were conducted under the conditions of the FSBI SGC "Zagorsk EPH" VNITIP. Studies on the baseline lines of meat chickens showed that replacing soybean meal in compound feeds with white lupine made it possible to ensure high productivity of the experimental bird.
Paper ID: 11A05T
Other issues: