Jamshed Ali *(Department of Management Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, PAKISTAN ),
Muhammad Arshad Khan (Department of Economics, COMSATS University Islamabad, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Financial Management/Economic Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.101
Keywords: Micro-FII; Macro-FII; Financial inclusion indices; Economic growth; Dynamic Factor Model (DFM); Financial development indicators; GMM.
This study examines the impacts of financial inclusion on economic growth in a panel of 20 Asian economies using annual data over the period 1995-2017. Two separate indices, namely micro-financial inclusion and macro-financial inclusion were constructed following Sarma (2008) and the Dynamic Factor Model. The impact of each index, as well as individual indicators of financial inclusion, is analyzed to get deeper insights into the impact of financial inclusion on economic growth in Asian economies. The impact of the micro-financial inclusion index based on Saram's (2008) methodology is found to be significant, while the impact of macro-financial inclusion index remains insignificant. In contrast, the impact of DFM-based micro and macro-financial inclusion indices exerts an insignificant impact on economic growth. The difference in results could be due to the fact that Sharma's index measures the level of financial inclusion, while DFM-based indices reflect the growth of financial inclusion indicators. With regard to the individual indicators of financial inclusion, the results show that a number of banks, borrower accounts, and deposit accounts have a significant positive impact on economic growth, while financial system deposits and insurance premium exerts an insignificant impact on economic growth.
Paper ID: 11A06A
Sergei Dotsenko * (
Department of Building Production and Engineering Structures, Far Eastern State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ),
Lyudmila Kryuchkova (
Department of Higher Mathematics, Far Eastern State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ),
Andrei Burmaga (
Department of Transport and Energy Means and Mechanization of Agribusiness, Far Eastern State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Animal Sciences (Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.102
Keywords: Feed technology; Insoluble pulp residue; Calcium supplement feed; Protein supplement; β-carotene supplement; Energy intensity; Feed production efficiency.
This article presents the results of the development of a new highly effective feed additive based on the use of secondary fractions in the production of a substitute for whole milk. The resulting additive is characterized by high calcium content (10.8 times), as well as a content of ?-carotene for 2 mg/100g of the product, which provides it with high biological and nutritional value, as well as antioxidant activity. The developed technology for energy intensity is more than 3 times lower than the base one recommended for small and medium capacity farms. The implementation of the developed technology, as well as the set of equipment adopted for it, makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the mechanized system of feeding animals on small and medium-sized farms by reducing the cost of energy, labor, and money.
Paper ID: 11A06B
Abdul Sattar Ghaffari (Zhongtai Securities, Institute for Financial Studies, School of Mathematics, Shandong University, Jinan, CHINA ),
Ruqia Safdar Bajwa (Department of Applied Psychology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, PAKISTAN ),
Mureed Hussain (Department of Psychology, International Islamic University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN ),
Muhammad Tahir (School of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan, CHINA ),
Shagufta Bibi *(School of Psychology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, CHINA ),
Arslan Khalid *(Department of Health Psychology, School of Nursing, Shandong University, Jinan, CHINA ).
Disciplinary: Health Sciences (Health Management), Psychological Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.103
Keywords: Heart failure patients; Hospitalized Patients; Borderline of anxiety and depression; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS); Heart failure (HF).
Depression and anxiety are highly prevalent in Heart failure patients. The main objective of the study is to check the prevalence of anxiety and depression and associated factors of Heart Failure Patients of South Punjab Pakistan. A sample of 192 Hospital admitted patients whose age range was between 27-71 years were selected from various cardiac hospitals of south Punjab Pakistan for January-July 2017 through a purposive sampling technique. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to assess the level of depression and anxiety among patients. The social and psychological parameters including family care, gender, and relevant support were identified. Findings revealed a highly significant correlation between the level of anxiety and depression among Hospitalized heart failure patients. According to results anxiety and depression is higher among unmarried and patients with low family care and support. In addition, data has indicated that economic factors associated with poverty mediate the frequency of anxiety and depression. It was determined that approximately 50% and 54% of peoples were involved in anxiety and depression respectively, however, 31% of people were regarded in the borderline of anxiety and depression and most patients were accompanied by heart disease. Furthermore, marital status, the difference in income level also promotes anxiety and depression in patients associated with heart disease.
Paper ID: 11A06C
Sharyzee Mohmad Shukri * (Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA ),
Mohammad Hussaini Wahab, Rohayah Che Amat (Razak Faculty of Technology & Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA ),
Mohamad Zafarullah Mohamad Rozaly (School of Architecture, Building and Design, Taylor's University, MALAYSIA ).
Disciplinary: Multidisciplinary (Architecture and Town Planning, History, ASEAN Studies).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.104
Keywords: Architectural identity; Malaysia town evolution; Urban form and setting; Cultural significance; Physical environment (PE); Architectural physical characters.
Malay Royal towns (MRTs) in Malaysia are the best examples of early Malay towns' evolution dating from the 16th century. However, the identity of MRTs nowadays remains unclear as it continues threatened due to rapid urbanisation and development. This paper aims to discover the physical environment (PE) elements in characterizing the identity of MRT in Alor Setar, Kedah. This research employs a qualitative approach which encompasses of a literature review of old scholarly articles and reports, historical map overlay, semi-structured interview and field observations. Alor Setar, Kedah were selected as a case study due to the rich significance to the identity of the MRT in Malaysia. The findings gathered from this research too are deemed a comprehensive understanding of PE elements of the MRT in Alor Setar and may further help in strengthening the identity and Malaysian history.
Paper ID: 11A06D
Nida Mohammad *, Zainab Bibi, Jahanvash Karim (Department of Management Sciences, University of Balochistan, PAKISTAN ),
Dilawar Durrani (Department of Commerce, University of Balochistan, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Management Sciences (Human Resource Management), Environmental Study (Environmental Awareness, Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.105
Keywords: Green Human Resource Management (GHRM), Green Passion, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for Environment (OCBE); Fast Moving Consumer Goods; Roles of green passion.
Sustainability is an emerging area that enables organizations to gain a competitive edge. One of the reasons for the success of the fast-moving consumer goods firms is their concern about greening the human resource management. This study is aimed at analyzing the potential mediating role of green passion in the connection between green human resource management (GHRM) and organizational citizenship behavior for the environment (OCBE). There are few studies that explained the direct relationship among the two constructs such as OCBE and GHRM, however, the roles of green passion (GP) as a mediator are not explored by earlier studies. The data was collected from a total of 210 top and middle-level managers of FMCG firms across various cities of Pakistan. The developed hypotheses were tested using a simple linear regression method and process macro for SPSS by Hayes's. Findings suggested that GHRM has a positive effect on green passion and OCBE. It was further revealed that green passion significantly mediated the relationship between GHRM and OCBE.
Paper ID: 11A06E
Ekaterina Viktorovna Bagrova, Sergei Vasilievich Kruchinin *(Department of Applied Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Noyabrsk Institute of Oil and Gas (Branch), Tyumen Industrial University, Noyabrsk, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Multidisciplinary (Global Studies, Philosophy Sciences, Sustainable Development, Educational Sciences; Economic Sciences).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.106
Keywords: Globalization era; Global development; Changes in the global economy; National state; Export Import-substituting industries; Globalization process; National culture; Social inequality.
Globalization is one of the most important phenomenon that characterizes modern development. Globalization tendencies change. There are a lot of articles concerning post-globalization. Many scientists suppose that the new age is a post-globalization one. However, there is no definition of post-globalization itself. Each of the studies covers just a part of this phenomenon. The post-globalization stage substantially differs from globalization one. The article is dedicated to the definition of post-globalization and its main characteristics. To archive this, all scientific works in the field of post-globalization were combined in several groups: studies that examine post-globalization or some aspects of it directly, and different scientific works that are dedicated to the end of the globalization era. The research is based on previous studies and mentions of post-globalization in different contexts. The results of the research proposed five key characteristics of post-globalization and eight economic statements about differences between the globalization and post-globalization stages, including directions of business development, basis of the economic growth, level of social inequality, key industries, and others. It was concluded that post-globalization was the arrangement of social dynamics processes, the basis of which were previously ones of globalization. These processes have had social, economical, cultural, political, and military aspects. Post-globalization is the period of society's development. This period has some specific characteristics. The article helps to predict changes in the future global development.
Paper ID: 11A06F
Fereshteh Valivand, Homayoon Katibeh * (Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, IRAN. )
Disciplinary: Hydrology Engineering, Groundwater Engineering.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.107
Keywords: Groundwater management; Numerical modeling; Varamin plain aquifer; Water Management; Water recharge and discharge management plan; Aquifer management.
Using numerical models, it is possible to predict with the governing process or different management scenarios, how the aquifer reacts to abstraction and recharge. In this study, the hydraulic behavior of Varamin Plain aquifer was simulated using the MODFLOW code of GMS software. The main aim of this simulation is to evaluate the effect of current aquifer management plans and the Jajrood River basin on changes in the water table of the unconfined aquifer and the piezometric level of the confined aquifer. After calibrating the model, the hydrodynamic coefficients were corrected and then using the obtained model, the quantitative behavior of the aquifer was predicted for two management scenarios for the future years. The results of the study showed that the implementation of recharge and discharge management plans can only lead to a decrease in groundwater level in the aquifer if it does not significantly reduce the percentage of water entering the aquifer.
Paper ID: 11A06G
Galadima Umar Idris * (Department of Tropical Agriculture (International program), Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University Bangkok, THAILAND ),
Sudsaisin Kaewrueng (Department of Farm Mechanic, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University Bangkok, THAILAND ),
Tanee Sreewongchai (Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University Bangkok, THAILAND ),
Saowanuch Tawornpruek (Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University Bangkok, THAILAND ).
Disciplinary: Agricultural and Irrigation Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.108
Keywords: Rice crop production; Environmental stress; Rice yield; EC tolerant; Irrigation scheduling; Rice response to drought; Soil moisture content (MC); Electrical conductivity at saturation extract (ECe); Manageable allowable depletion (MAD).
The increasing scarcity of freshwater is threatening the sustainability of irrigated rice. Irrigation scheduling when water is inadequate within the paddy sodic soil can be an alternative to sustain rice crop production. This study focuses on observing the crop growth parameters and yield response of three rice varieties. Three salinity levels were prepared to 1.05 dS/m, 1.55 dS/m and 2.08 dS/m. Four moisture contents were set up to flooded water content, 0.1 to 0.33 bar, 0.45 MAD and 0.60 MAD. Three rice varieties, Pathum Thani 1 (PPT1), PPT1 mutant, and Nerica3 were assigned to the treatments. At flooded water content, both growth and yield were higher, the highest yield recorded was 26.11 g pot-1 in PPT1 mutant at 1.05 dS/m with decreases in yield at higher electrical conductivity at saturation extract (ECe) levels in PPT1 variety. All three varieties responded to lower yield in more delayed irrigation scheduling. At 0.1 to 0.33 bar, the yield gap was around 34.5, 35 and 27% lower than that of the flooded water content for PPT1, PPT1 mutant, and Narica3. At 0.45 and 0.60 MAD, yield appeared in Narica3 only. Crop water use was higher in PPT1 mutant at 1.05 dS/m in all the moisture contents, with 5.61 mm/day recorded at flooded water content. The study concludes that the reduction in moisture content from flooded water content to 0.1 to 0.33 bar up to 0.45 MAD and 0.60 MAD has affected both crop growth and yield of rice among all varieties.
Paper ID: 11A06H
Muhammad Nehal Hussain *, Imran Riaz Malik, Muhammad Bilal, Nazakat Ali (Department of Business Administration, Iqra University Islamabad Campus, PAKISTAN ),
Ali Raza (Faculty of Business Administration, Preston University Islamabad Campus, PAKISTAN ).
Disciplinary: Management Sciences (Financial Management).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.109
Keywords: Unit Root; Stationarity; Cointegration Granger Causality test; Stock price and exchange rate; Relationship of Stock price and gold price; Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX).
This paper investigated the relationship between the gold price and the exchange rate on the equity return of Pakistan. The equity market provides an opportunity for investors to capitalize on diverse markets and expand their investment portfolio. This paper consisted of monthly Gold prices in the US dollar; monthly exchange rates of US dollar in terms of Pakistani Rupee and stock market index were taken for the period of January 2010 to December 2019. The unit root is used for the stationary test, Cointegration, Granger Causality test for a lead-lag relationship. The empirical result shows that exchange rates and stock prices data series are non-stationery and integrated of order one. The result showed that there is a long-run relationship between stock price and exchange rate and gold price. Finally, we applied a Granger causality test to find out and the casual relationship among gold price, exchange rate, and stock prices. Outcomes show that there is no causal relationship between stock price and exchange rate. However, there is a causal relationship between stock price and gold price.
Paper ID: 11A06I
Salahaddin Yasin Baper * and Aisha Rashid Saied * (Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan, IRAQ ).
Disciplinary: Architectural Sciences (Spatial Spaces Management).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.110
Keywords: Smart analog model (SAM); Small Spatial Spaces (SSS); Environmental influence; Studio apartments, Technological influences; Smart technology; Formal influence; Holistic change; Flexibleness of small spaces.
Small spaces are results from lodging improvement and ongoing increasing residents; growing urbanization empowers individuals to less space. User's requirements are as yet the equivalent. The wellbeing risk of lodging improvement is discussing and highlighting by numerous articles; both claustrophobically and crowding sensing is demonstrated in flexible spaces. Physical flexibility relates to spaces that have the capability of being altered. A flexible space provides occupants some decisions over how interior space is organized according to his or her actions and preferences. This study explore effects of utilizing smart material on the process of construction and design and will analyze the structure of moving, fields of design, and interior architecture components for multi-functional usage with smart solutions to investigate the best approach to make interior architecture with flexible qualities, to reach the flexibleness state through prototyping for a studio apartment in the empire-Erbil city and detailed questionnaire, to improve recently recommended models. This research demonstrates the significant association between factors influencing the flexibleness small space from smart materials independent factors in terms of technological, formal, environmental effects, and holistic changes. In view of that prototyping, clarify flexible spaces and two route connections between smart analog model (SAM) and digital module (DM) cooperatively in the shape of models, these techniques are proper for smart spaces. SAM return smart spaces modeling by incorporating ICT implanted elements as actuators and sensors utilizing new innovations provide more possibility for interior elements not to be rigid. The outcome concluded that smart solutions would allow interior spaces to more flexibleness state.
Paper ID: 11A06J
Konstantin Ternovykh *(Department of Farm Production Management and Entrepreneurial Business in Agro-Industrial Complex, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, Voronezh, RUSSIA ),
Natalia Leonova (Department of Economics in Agro-Industrial Complex, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, Voronezh. RUSSIA ),
Victoria Malitskaya (Department of Accounting and Taxation, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyannyi per., 36, 117997 Moscow, RUSSIA ),
Maria Chirkova (Department of Accounting and Audit, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, 394087 Voronezh, Michurina, 1, RUSSIA ),
Alena Markova (Department of Farm Production Management and Entrepreneurial Business in Agro-Industrial Complex, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, Voronezh, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Modern Fruit Science, Economic and Management Science (Enterprise Economic and Management).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.111
Keywords: Horticultural crops; Intensive gardening; Horticulture farming enterprise; Fruit crops; NPK Fertilization; Orchards and berry plants; Horticulture effectiveness.
The horticulture effectiveness depends on its species composition. Most Russian region, natural conditions do not allow growing fresh vegetables and fruits all year round. Winter varieties of apples are of great importance. From the gross collection of CJSC Agrofirm named after 15 Years of October, the main share (48%) belongs to five winter varieties. A high planting material cost and cultivation technologies predetermine a large production cost. Agrofirm makes 15 treatments a year with Serbian modern complex fertilizer, providing growth stimulation, root system development and increase productivity. At ZAO Agrofirm, fertilizers for planting fruit crops in intensive cultivation technologies are applied to the entire garden area (between crops) and under fruit trees. Sparingly soluble forms of phosphate fertilizers (phosphorite flour), citrate-soluble (precipitate, defluorinated phosphate, thermophosphate) are added to the period of pre-planting soil preparation, and water-soluble (superphosphates) for the main fertilizer and fertilizing. Doses adjustment and the nutritional conditions control, the leaf diagnostics method is used. Agrofirm considers the most efficient in-line technology for harvesting and transporting apples from the orchard. It increases in labor productivity by 1.5-2 times, increases the output of standard products 1.5-2 times (10-15%). The technology includes five operations: loading rye containers, transporting it to the garden, picking fruits, and transporting and unloading containers with fruits. All of them are performed in a single cycle, one after another without time gaps.
Paper ID: 11A06K
Asma Zaheer *(Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Administration, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah. KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA ).
Disciplinary: Economic and Management Sciences (Marketing).
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.112
Keywords: Indian personification; Retail Industry, Organized and unorganized stores sector; Income-based Purchase; Intention purchase products.
Retail industry of India is one of the boom sectors with growth potential. However, Indian retail industry growth is comparatively slower than other parts. This study assesses the strategic issues related to the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the retail industry of India and the Indian retail industry's trend along with the foreign companies' entry into the Indian market. Certain factors have been found crucial in the existing scenario which forces unorganized retailers to bring change in their business operations. This study was carried out in western Uttar Pradesh of India. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire by personal interview. This study indicates that 47% of the consumer purchase/ buy from unorganized shops and 53% buy from organized shops/outlets on the other side, 38% consumer purchase from conventional stores and from neighbourhood shops while 25% buy from other sources. The analysis shows that 41% of the respondents prefer to buy from supermarkets, however, 33% of the respondents prefer to buy from chain stores. Similarly, 18% of the respondents buy groceries from unorganized shops while 14% of respondents each prefer textiles and vegetables from unorganized stores, The study shows that 18% of respondents buy durable products/ items from organized stores followed by 17% respondents who buy textiles also from organized shops. It is also concluded that 17% of consumers buy from unorganized shops due to affordable prices and/or low prices while 15% of respondents stated that they get better customer care services whom they buy from unorganized retailers.
Paper ID: 11A06L
Anis ur Rehman *, Faraz Ahmad Abbasi (Department of Management and Information System, College of Business Administration, University of Hail, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA ).
Disciplinary: Economic and Management Sciences.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.113
Keywords: Single brand retailing; Organized retailing; Single-brand stores; Indian retail sector; Managers' perception of FDI; FDI impacts.
For nations following the pursuit of development, foreign direct investment (FDI) is seen as the basis of sustainable development of economy, revenue, and job creation. Many nations liberalized their policies to accommodate FDI. A significant change is seen in the Indian retail sector vis-?-vis foreign direct investment with the introduction of favorable policies. This paper attempts to find the managers' perceptions regarding numerous FDI concerns of the retail sector in India. A total of 153 managers employed in the retail industry were selected as the respondents for this study. The perception of managers on FDI in retail is analyzed using the mean score and examined using correlation and regression. The results indicate that FDI in retail will provide better prices to suppliers, create new employment opportunities and develop better infrastructural facilities. It was also found that employment and pricing benefits are significantly impacting managers' perception vis-a-vis foreign direct investment in the retail sector of India, as compared to value chain and economic & external factors benefits.
Paper ID: 11A06M
Tatiana Vorozheykina * (Department of Production Organization, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, RUSSIA ),
Vadim Demichev, Vesta Maslakova (Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, RUSSIA ),
Marina Leshcheva (Department Of Economic Analysis And Audit, Stavropol State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Agricultural Economics and Investments.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.114
Keywords: Algorithmization; Agricultural investment; Differentiation; Credit resources; State subsidies; Statistical groups; Lorentz curve.
This work presents the results of the development of an algorithm for assessing regional differentiation and concentration of investments in Russian agriculture. The stages and methods of researching these processes are formulated. The analysis of the dynamics of investments in agriculture and the forecast of the dynamics of the regional concentration of investments and production are presented. The study is done at the macro level. The selection of units by the type of study population was carried out using statistical groups. The degree of regional differentiation and concentration of investment and production was determined on the basis of the calculation of the Herfindahl-Hirschman coefficient and the Gini coefficient. Recommendations were made on adjusting the investment process, taking into account the implementation of state programs to improve the efficiency of investments in agriculture.
Paper ID: 11A06N
Mohammed Abdulrab (Department of Management and Information Systems, College of Business Administration, University of Ha'il, Hail, SAUDI ARABIA ).
Disciplinary: Management Sciences, Information Technology.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.115
Keywords: Information systems'. success; Success model; Computer Usage Model; Applied information Systems (IS), telecommunications companies; Delone and Mclean Model; new model; Technology Acceptance Model.
The factors leading to technology acceptance and use vary from country to country. For example, developing countries face many challenges that lead to the failure to apply technology, including the low level of efficiency and expertise for technology users, in addition to some technical factors, including the quality of the technology used. Although previous studies in this field examined acceptance factors and successful technology use, there is still a need for many studies in this field. This study aims to examine briefly the common individual acceptance and usage models. In addition, it identifies the factors that apply technology and affects acceptance in the Yemeni context. Data from employees in three telecommunications companies in Yemen were collected quantitatively. 300 completed questionnaires were received. Data have been analyzed using statistical programs, AMOS and SPSS. The study is expected to develop a model consistent with the Yemeni context. This survey reveals that a significant link with technology acceptance and use exists between device automaticity, user experience, system efficiency, and information quality. This study is limited to only influential factors mentioned on four common theories named Technology Acceptance Model, Computer Usage Model, Personal Computing Acceptance Model and Delone and Mclean Model. The second limitation of this study concerns the fact that the study is conducted in the capital city of Yemen, Sana'a. This study mainly contributes to developing a new model and conduct a test on it. According to the study findings, the adoption of this model will have an important part in the successful application of the new technology in Yemeni companies.
Paper ID: 11A06O
Sergei Vasilievich Kruchinin * (Department of Applied Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Noyabrsk Institute of Oil and Gas (Branch) Tyumen Industrial University, Noyabrsk, RUSSIA ),
Olga Vilenovna Pavlovskaya (Department of Philosophy, Tyumen State University, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Education Sciences, Family Studies, Financial Education.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.116
Keywords: Parental factors; Youth financial literacy; School factors; International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status (ISEI); PISA test; Family income; Mother's role; Father's role.
The paper is dedicated to students' financial literacy development. The study is based on PISA data and analyses factors of two types: family and school ones. The Kruskal- Wallis H test, Jonckheere-Terpstra test is used to find significant differences between the groups. Regression research is based on the ordinary least squares method and t-statistics. Financial literacy is not knowledge, it is a skill or even an ability. Therefore, parental behavioral factors are very important for its improvement and development. Financial literacy is the only type of literacy that positively correlates with parental International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status (ISEI), including the highest ISEI of the father or mother. Thus, the first and most important issue in policy that will stimulate the development of each type of literacy is the creation of positive work environments for single parents. However, each model includes just one explanatory variable. The most significant for all students and female students is the father's ISEI. Whereas, for male students, it has the highest ISEI. Thus, this type of literacy does not directly depend on the mother's ISEI, unless it is the highest one. Financial literacy does not depend on school factors. The overall effect of the family factors that were analyzed is about 0.35 percent of literacy variations.
Paper ID: 11A06P
Viktor Valerievich Telegin, Igor Viktorovich Telegin (Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Lipetsk State Technical University, Moskovskaya, 30, Lipetsk, 398055, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Engineering Education and Curriculum, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Graphics.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.117
Keywords: Descriptive geometry; Engineering graphics; Computer modeling; Computer Drawing; Computer graphics; Engineering drawings; AutoCAD 3D modeling.
The design of engineering facilities is currently based on solid modeling methods. Development of design documentation is carried out in a semi-automatic mode based on the created models. The role and content of such disciplines as descriptive geometry and mechanical engineering drawing in the training of mechanical engineering specialists in this regard requires a significant rethinking. At the same time, according to the authors, when integrating with modern 3D technologies of these disciplines, their foundations should be preserved. The article is devoted to the integration of descriptive geometry and 3D-modeling methods in the educational process of training engineers in the field of machine-building.
Paper ID: 11A06Q

Ivan Egorov *, Vardges Manukyan, Tatyana Lenkova, Tatyana Egorova
(Poultry Nutrition Department, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Center "All-Russian Research and Technological Poultry Institute" of Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA ),
Ilya Nikonov (Agrotehnopolis Scientific Research Unit, Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov, RUSSIA ).
Disciplinary: Animal Sciences (Poultry Science, Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology), Biotechnology.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.118
Keywords: Initial lines B6, B7 and B8 of meat chickens; Chicken live weight; Feed for broiler chickens; Chemical composition of full-fat soy flour; Feed conversion.
The article presents the results of studies on the use of full-fat soy flour in compound feeds for meat chickens of the three source lines and broiler chickens of the selection SSC "Smena". The studies were carried out on three initial lines of the bird: B6 - the maternal line of the paternal parent form of the Cornish breed, fast-growing, fast-changing. The main breeding traits are growth rate, feed conversion, meat quality, egg production; B7 - paternal line of the maternal parent form of the Plymutrok breed, fast-fledged, breeding by egg production, hatchability, growth rate, feed conversion, viability; B8 is the paternal line of the maternal parent form of the Plymutrok breed, which is slowly changing and is selected for egg production, hatchability, growth rate, feed conversion, and viability. It has been established that 10% can be included in compound feeds for meat chickens, broilers 15% soy flour, provided that they are balanced in nutrients.
Paper ID: 11A06R
Syed Shuja Hussain *, Muhammad Nazir (Department of Computer Science, Majmaah University, Majmaah 11952, SAUDI ARABIA.
Sunil Kumar Sharma, M. A. Rahim Khan (College of Computer and Information Sciences, Majmaah University, Majmaah 11952, SAUDI ARABIA ).
Disciplinary: Computer Science and Engineering.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.119
Keywords: Global motion vectors; Video stabilization; Block matching, Camera motion; Smooth motion vector; Low pass filter; Block Matching Algorithm.
In a camera dictionary, shakiness jitters are normally used. Jitteriness problem is encountered due to frequent use of a phone camera. Shooting video from moving vehicles or by using a handheld phone camera causes Shakiness. Block matching algorithms can be used for implementing the video stabilization process. The proposed algorithm in this paper avoids shakiness from a raw video of YUV and results in stabilizing in YUV video. The proposed method works on extracting motion among consecutive frames of any raw video. With respect to every scene of the video, premeditated camera motions like panning and translation motion are smooth with slow variations in the time realm from frame to frame. Fast motion variation with respect to frame to frame is increased while sponging the camera motion. A low pass filter can be used to find the recovery of the calculated motion parameters. The corrective shifting of noisy components of the motion vector stabilized the video images. The accurate result can be achieved by a successful run on shaky video without hampering its quality. The parallel processing techniques have been applied for the estimation of motion vectors, the results improved by applying to modify the proposed algorithm for dropping the operation time of the program.
Paper ID: 11A06S
Rawaz Najmaddin Abdullah (Department of Architecture Engineering, College of Engineering, Tishik International University-Hawler, Kurdistan, IRAQ ),
Adeeb Noori Ahmad * (Department of Architecture Engineering, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University-Erbil, IRAQ ).
Disciplinary: Architecture and Human Factors and Ergonomics.
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DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.120
Keywords: Ergonomic for pupils, Classroom furniture; Elementary schools; Human factors; Ergonomic furniture; Anthropometric measures; Physical ergonomics.
Classroom ergonomic chairs and desks are important elements for students in terms of comfort and concentration in the schooling environment. This is very important for pupils that spent most of the time in classroom furniture. Most of the furniture is not able to fit for different ages students in different body figures in the classroom in some primary schools in Erbil city. This study evaluates the existing school furniture ergonomically as compared to students’ anthropometric measures, i.e., examining if dimensions of primary school furniture agree with pupils' anthropometric measures for first to sixth graders. Anthropometric dimensions in eight schools for 487 students of grades 1-6 were measured, and their data were analyzed via IBM?SPSS Statistical Package and MS Excel?. The results showed that group of grades 1-3 pupils have major mismatch accordance to the anthropometric measures (sitting elbow height, stature, sitting shoulder height, popliteal height, knee height, buttock-popliteal length, shoulder breadth, hip breadth, and upper limb length) and classroom furniture dimensions more than group of grades 4-6.
Paper ID: 11A06T
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