International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(2) (2021)


  1. Fund 733. (1871-1917). Category of secondary educational institutions 1871-1917. The inventory of 159. Case 883: Circulars of The Department of Public Education.
  2. Fund 733. (1906-1915). In inventory 229. Case#28. List of circulars of the Department of Public Education for the category of secondary educational institutions 1906-1915.
  3. Fund 47. (1888-1904). Inventory 1. Unit 1. Circulars and instructions of the inspector of public schools of the Kursk province from 1888 to 1904.
  4. Fund 185. (1906-1913). Inventory 1. Case#155. Materials about lectures.
  5. Fund 185 (1901-1902). Inventory 1. Case#201. Circulars on secondary school reform.
  6. Fund 185. (1871-1917). Inventory 1. Case#207. The case for adding funds to the library.
  7. Fund 185. (1871-1917). Inventory 1. Case#492. Circulars: on the use of textbooks and methodological literature in the educational process.
  8. Fund 193. (1876-1877). Inventory 1. Case#47. Kursk Zemsky teacher's school about the Congress of teachers of primary public schools of the Kursk province, who graduated from the course in the Teacher's school in 1786.
  9. Fund 193. (1871-1917). Inventory 1. Case#72. Kursk regional teachers 'school about the pedagogical features of graduates of teachers' schools.
  10. Vdovin, A.V., Leibov, R.N. (2013). Works on Russian and Slavic Philology. Literary studies, IX. Acta Slavica Estonica IV, Russian pedagogical practice of the XIX century and the poetic Canon. Editors of the volume.
  11. Baltalon, C. P. (1901). Educational reading as the basis for teaching Russian in the family and school. Abstract read in the meeting of the Pedagogical Institute, s. comp. at the Imperial Moscow University, November 4, 1900, Moscow: Tipo-lit. t-vo I. N. Kushnerev and Co.
  12. Baltalon, C. P. (1891). Manual for literary conversations and written works. M: Kushnerev and K.
  13. Bunakov, N. F. (1906). School business: educational material worked out at teachers ' congresses and courses for 30 years (1872-1902). 3rd Ed., Saint Petersburg: Gutzats
  14. Buslaev, F. I. (1982). Russian Russian language teaching. textbook on the methodology of the Russian language: the Russian language as a subject of teaching. Manual for teachers. Comp. A.V. Tekuchev. - M: Enlightenment.
  15. Galabutsky, Yu. (1892). To the question about extracurricular reading in connection with the issue of student writings. Russian school, 1892, no. 4, 98-99.
  16. Groth, Ya. K. (1903). Poems and prose for children. Saint Petersburg: type, The Ministry of Railways (Typography partnerships I. N. Kushnerev and K).
  17. Ostrogorsky, A. Ya. (1916). The living word: A book for learning your native language. Part II. 10th Stereotypical Edition. PG: Publishing house of the Trenka and Fuse.
  18. Ilinsky, L. K. (1913). On the issue of reading books by students. A read report at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the Kazan Xenin women's gymnasium on September 11, 1911. Kazan, the Lithographic Printing House of the Kazan Imperial University.
  19. Kareev, N. I. (1901). Ideals of General education. Saint Petersburg: M. Stasyulevich type.
  20. Kareev, N. I. (1896). Self-education and reading books. Literary Supplement to the magazine "Niva".
  21. Ostrogorsky, V. P. (1895). Children are brought up in reading by a human artist and a writer. Pedagogical leaflet. 1895, January.
  22. Potebnya, A. A. (2017). Language and nationality. (Accessed 01.07.2017)
  23. Skabichevsky, A.D. (1895). The importance of idealistic literature for youth. Pedagogical leaflet. 1895, January-March, 3-15.
  24. Solonina, P. N. (1878). Notes on the methodology of the Russian language, compiled for teachers 'seminaries. teachers' institutes and for teachers of public schools by the teacher of the Chernihiv Zemstvo teachers ' Seminary. Saint Petersburg: Kotomin Printing House.
  25. Sreznevsky, I. I. (2017). The study of the native language in General and especially in childhood. http://e-heritageru-/ras/view/publication/general.html? id=46948693 (Accessed 01.07.2017)
  26. Tolubeyev, A. (1893). A few words about the literary conversations of high school students. Gymnasium, Books#3-5, 171p.
  27. Sheremetevsky, V. P. (1897). Essays. Partnership of A. I. Mamontov's printing house.

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