International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(2) (2021)


  1. Annunciado, T. R., Sydenstricker, T. H. D., and Amico, S. C. (2005). Experimental Investigation of Various Vegetable Fibers as Sorbent Materials for Oil Spills, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50, 1340-1346
  2. Anvaripour, B., Fard, N.F.H., and Rasati, M. F. (2013), Application of Natural Sorbents in Crude Oil Adsorption Reza Behnood. Journal of Oil & Gas Sciences and Technology, 2(4), 01-11
  3. ASTM 1141. (2003). Annual Book of ASTM standards: ASTM 1141. American Society of Testing and materials, Philadephia, PA, 11(02)
  4. ASTM D95. (1999) Annual Book of ASTM standards: ASTM D95. American Society of Testing and materials, Philadephia, PA, 5(01)
  5. Bayat, A., Aghamiri, S. F., Moheb, A., & Vakili-Nezhaad, G. R. (2005). Oil spill cleanup from seawater by sorbent materials. Chemical Engineering & Technology: Industrial Chemistry-Plant Equipment-Process Engineering-Biotechnology, 28(12), 1525-1528
  6. Broje, V, Keller A. A. Improved mechanical oil spill recovery using an optimized geometry for the skimmer surface. (2006). Environ Sci Technol. 40(24), 7914-7918
  7. CEF. (2020). Effects of Oil Spills. Conserve Energy Future. Accessed Sep.2020
  8. Chatterjee, P. K., & Gupta, B. S. (Eds.). (2002). Absorbent technology. Elsevier
  9. Clayton, J. R., Payne, J. R., Farlow, J. S. Sarwar, C. (1993). Oil spill dispersants mechanisms of action and laboratory tests. CRC press, Florida, 90-103
  10. Hussein, M., Amer, A. A., El-Maghraby, A., Taha, N. A., Availability of Barley Straw Application on Oil Spill Cleanup, (2009). International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 6, 123-130
  11. Karan, C. P., Rengasamy, R. S., and Das, D. (2011). Oil Spill Cleanup by Structured Fiber Assembly. Indian Journal of Fiber & Textile Research, 36, 190-200
  12. Kujawinski EB, Kido Soule EB, ValentineDL et al. Fate of dispersants associated with the deepwater horizon oil spill. (2011). Environ Sci Technol., 45(4):1298-1306
  13. Mitul Z. (2004). Absorbency characteristics of kenaf core particles. PhD thesis, North Carolina State University, USA
  14. Rotar, O. V., Iskrizhitskaya, D. V., Iskrizhitsky, A. A., & Oreshina, A. A. (2014). Cleanup of water surface from oil spills using natural sorbent materials. Procedia Chemistry, 10: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century, 10, 145-150
  15. Yoneda, Y. (2015). Innovative Solutions That Clean Up Oil Spills.
  16. Yuan, X. and Chung, T. (2012). Novel Solution to Oil Spill Recovery: Using Thermodegradable Polyolefin Oil Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP). Energy & Fuels, 26(8), 4896-4902
  17. Zahed, M. A., Hamidi, A. A., and Hasnain, M. I. (2005). Oil Spill Cleanup Techniques in the Marine Environment. M.S. Thesis, University Sains, Malaysia, 160p.

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