International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(3) (2021)


  1. Agrawal, N. et al., 2015. Impact of variation in nanoscale silicon and non silicon FinFETs and tunnel FETs on device an d SRAM performance. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 62(6), 1691 1697.
  2. Bughio, A. M., Donati, S. G., Bonani, F. & Ghione, G., 2017. Physics-based modeling of FinFET RF variability under Shorted-and Independent Gates bias. Graz, IEEE, pp. 1-4.
  3. Bughio, A. M., Donati, S. G., Bonani , F. & Ghione, G., 2017. Multi-gate FinFET Mixer Variability assessment through physicsbased. IEEE Electron Device Letters, pp. 1004-1007.
  4. Bughio, A. M., Donati, S. G., Bonani, F. & Ghione, G. 2016. Physics based modeling of FinFET RF vari ability. London, IEEE, pp. 237-240.
  5. Bughio, A. M., Donati, S. G., Bonani, F. & Ghione, G. 2017. RF Sensitivity Analysis of independent-gates FinFETs for analog applications exploiting the backgating effect. Nuremberg, Germany, IEEE, pp. 256-259.
  6. Bughio, A. M., Donati, S. G., Bonani, F. & Ghione, G., 2018. Variability of FinFET AC parameters: A physics?based insight. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks Devices and Fields, p. Wiley.
  7. Bulashenko, O. E. A., 1998. Extension of the impedance field method to the noise analysis of a semiconductor junction: Analytical approach. Journal of Applied Physics, pp. 2610-2618.
  8. ITRS. 2013. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. Accessed 2013.
  9. Jain, A., Inge, . S. . V. & Ganguly, U., 2020. An accurate structure generation and simulation of LER affected NWFET. s.l., IEEE, pp. 1-4.
  10. Matsukawa, T. et al., 2009. Comprehensive analysis of variability sources of FinFET characteristics. Symposium on VLSI Technology, pp. 118-119.
  11. Raskin, J.-P., 2015. FinFET versus UTBB SOI-A RF Perspective. Graz, Austria: IEEE.
  12. Sanchez, J. E., 2002. Semiconductor Device Simulation of Low-frequencyNoise Under Periodic Large-signal Conditions, Florida: University of Florida.
  13. Seoane, N., et al., 2013. Random dopant, line-edge roughness, and gate workfunction variability in a nano InGaAs FinFET. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, pp. 466-472.
  14. Shockley, W., et al., 1966. The impedance field method of noise calculation in active semiconductor devices. Quantum Theory of Atoms, Molecules and the Solid State, pp. 256-259.
  15. Taur, Y., et al., 2004. A continuous,analytic drain current model for DG MOSFETs. IEEE E Electron Device Letters, 25, pp. 107-109.

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