International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(5) (2021)


  1. Ani, T. (2015). Effect of ease of doing business to economic growth among selected countries in Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3, 139-145.
  2. Borisov, D. A. (2017). The interaction of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Silk Road Economic Belt: Complementary potential, indifferent reality. Tomsk State University Journal, 419, 109-114.
  3. Curcio, B. (2018). China's BRI and its impact on space.
  4. Dai, G., & Cai, Y. (2017). The cross-culture management of Chinese enterprises in Poland under the Belt and Road Initiative - Based on PEST Model. International Business Research, 10(9), 96-105.
  5. Dirmoserd, D. (2018). Die SeidenstraBe, Eurasien und die Alte Welt.
  6. Druzhinin, A. G., & Dong, Ya. (2018). One Belt - One Road Initiative: A window of opportunity for Russia's Western border regions. Baltic Region, 2, 42.
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  12. Kaczmarski, M. (2017). Non-western visions of regionalism: China's New Silk Road and Russia's Eurasian economic union. International Affairs, 93(6), 1357-1376.
  13. Kassenova, N. (2017). China's Silk Road and Kazakhstan's bright path: Linking dreams of prosperity. Asia Policy, 24(1), 110-116.
  14. Kitson, A., & Liew, K. (2019). China doubles down on its digital Silk Road.
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  17. Li, Y. (2018). The greater Eurasian partnership and the Belt and Road Initiative: Can the two be linked? Journal of Eurasian Studies, 9(2), 94-99.
  18. Litau, E. Y. (2020). Scoring method as applied to innovation project evaluation for startup support. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 7(4), 2978-2990.
  19. Luzyanin, S. G. (2017). "One Belt, One Road": Russian projection and problems of conjugation. China in World and Regional Politics. History and Modernity, 22, 27-36.
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  22. Manukov, S. (2019). "One Belt, One Road": Path refinement and belt expansion.
  23. Matveev, I. E. (2017). Energy track of EAEU - SREB conjugation. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, 3, 11-33.
  24. Mikhalev, M. S. (2016). "One Belt, One Road" Project as a new foreign policy strategy of China: Short analysis of the discussion inside China. Outlines of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law, 9(6), 88-103.
  25. Monfort, M., Cuestas, J. C., & Ordonez, J. (2013). Real convergence in Europe: A cluster analysis. Economic Modelling, 33, 689-694.
  26. Romanova, O. A., & Kuzmin, E. A. (2020). Industrial policy strategy: A case of changing national priorities in Russia. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 17, 879-888.
  27. Romanova, O. A., Korovin, G. B., & Kuzmin, E. A. (2017). Analysis of the development prospects for the high-tech sector of the economy in the context of new industrialization. Espacios, 38(59), 25.
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  30. Sangar, K., Bader, M., & Lane, D. (2017). Russia and China in the age of grand Eurasian projects: Prospects for integration between the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union. Cambridge Journal of Eurasian Studies, 1, 1-15.
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  34. Tkachenko, S. V., & Martynova, M. Yu. (2019). China in the Industry of Innovation: Cooperation with Russia. Contemporary Problems of Social Work, 1, 35-43.
  35. Vinokurov, E. (2020). COVID-2019 and the future of the Belt and Road Initiative. AFCA Working Paper WP/2020-12/78. AFCA: Beijing.
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  39. Xiaolin, W. (2018). About the problems on cooperation in the sphere of high-speed railways between China and the countries of Central Asia. Journal Post-Soviet Studies, 5, 481-493.
  40. Zuk, P., Polgar, E. K., Savelin, L., Luis, J., del Hoyo, D., & Konig, P. (2018). Real convergence in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe. ECB Economic Bulletin, 3, 36-65.

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