International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies TuEngr+QR-Code

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.12(5) (2021)


  1. Aghion, P., Bacchetta, P., Ranciere, R., & Rogoff, K. (2009). Exchange rate volatility and productivity growth: The role of financial development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(4), 494-513.
  2. Akaev, A. A., Ziyadullaev, N. S., Sarygulov, A. I., & Sokolov, V. N. (2017). Prognoznaya model' ekonomicheskoj dinamiki v usloviyah stagflyacii s uchetom volatil'nosti kursa nacional'noj valyuty [Forecast model of economic dynamics in the conditions of stagflation taking into account the volatility of the national currency exchange rate]. Problemy Prognozirovaniya, (3), 34-41.
  3. Asaturov, K. G. (2017). Determinanty sistematicheskogo riska: analiz na osnove rossijskogo fondovogo rynka [Determinants of systematic risk: analysis based on the Russian stock market]. Finance and Credit, 23(23), 1343-1363.
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  16. Ozkan, I., & Erden, L. (2015). Time-varying nature and macroeconomic determinants of exchange rate pass-through. International Review of Economics & Finance, 38, 56-66.
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  18. Rodrik, D. (2007). The real exchange rate and economic growth: theory and evidence.
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  20. Vorontsovsky, A. V., & Vyunenko, L. F. (2017). Prognozirovanie indeksov real'nyh effektivnyh obmennyh kursov valyut s uchetom sluchajnogo faktora [Forecasting indices of real effective exchange rates of currencies taking into account a random factor]. Bulletin of Saint Petersburg University, Economy, (4), 522-549.

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