Disciplinary: Management and Economic Science, Technological Modernization, Innovation and Sustainability Development.
Keywords: Instruments of reindustrialization; Russian industrial policy; Industrialization methods; Technological development; Reindustrialization policy; Technology and innovation investment.
Reindustrialization is a trend in the modern development of economic sectors. It forms a new understanding of the roles of industry, creates a new geography of productive forces, and ensures the transfer of all sectors of the economy to new high-tech foundations. For Russian Federation, re-industrialization should be an ongoing process and its role is to create those industrial sectors on a new technological basis, the loss of which is fraught with a quick lag behind the leading countries and the consolidation of a regime dependent on external factors in industrial and technological development. Reindustrialization can be implemented using various methods and methods, based on technological innovations, new knowledge, digital technologies, and lies in the fact that this large-scale event and comprehensive activities to change technological, production, economic and social processes. Without solving these problems, the effective development of production will become problematic, the more analysts connect the further growth of the world economy with industry and industrial sectors. For successful re-industrialization in the country, cardinal changes in investment behavior, technological solutions, and organizational models are needed that will improve the efficiency of the entire process of updating industrial production. Only with an integrated approach can a sustainable technological modernization be achieved. In whatever situation the economy and the material sphere as a whole are, the strategic direction can only be the policy of reindustrialization.
Paper ID: 11A11M
Cite this article:
Batov, G., Khutova, L., Larisa Makoeva, L., Gusalova, A., Bolatova, M. (2020). RUSSIAN REINDUSTRIALIZATION MECHANISM. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(11), 11A11M, 1-9.
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