International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.11(12) (2020)

  • Sustainable Urban Planning to Cope with Pulsar Effects of Destructive Events: A Conceptual Framework

    Zakaria Alcheikh Mahmoud Awad, Melasutra Binti Md Dali, Nikmatul Adha Binti Nordin (Centre for Sustainable Urban Planning and Real Estate, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, MALAYSIA).

    Disciplinary: Sustainable City Planning, World History (History of War, Peace, and Disaster), Sustainable Built environment, Sustainability and Development.

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    DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.239

    Keywords: Analysis of destructive events; Civil war; Destructive impact; Sustainable town planning; Post-tsunami; Pulsar effect; Natural disaster; Post-disaster recovery; Post-war recovery.

    This paper contributes to establishing a more vital role for sustainable urban planning in dealing with the effects of natural (such as earthquakes) and man-made (such as conflicts) destructive events through building up a conceptual framework. Multidimensional qualitative research method through document studies, historical analysis of destructive events and their stages, and case studies (Kabul, Afghanistan; Mostar, Bosnia and Banda Aceh, Indonesia). This research shows that existing efforts for events aftermath suffer from heavy dependency on foreign aids, marginalizing local context, and lack of proper coordination. The suggested framework comprises four major phases that have to be handled by good management including pre-after-the-event, emergency relief stage, transitional stage, and recovery phase. Sustainable urban planning needs to deal with these stages individually and holistically.

    Paper ID: 11A12N

    Cite this article:

    Awad, Z.A.M., Dalim, M.B.B., Nordin, N.A.B. (2020). Sustainable Urban Planning to Cope with Pulsar Effects of Destructive Events: A Conceptual Framework. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(12), 11A12N, 1-15.


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