Disciplinary: Employment and Career Studies, Education (Curriculum Quality Assessment and Evaluation).
Keywords: Education quality; Career-related skills; Unemployment; Labor market; Human capital; Employment; Educational system.
The problem of career guidance for the youth is one of the most pressing social problems in the field of reproduction of manpower resources and human capital. Attempts of its solving in one way or another involve research of the current situation in the labor market by exploring the unemployment rate and the factors that influence it. This refers to the employment statistics that relate to the youth with various education levels. Our conclusions come from the case of Russia at a national level where against the background of the aging population, there are the developed networks of vocational education and resource-rich economy. The analysis of the situation evidences that unemployment affects the youth more than other age groups. When searching for jobs, young people face the difficulties of adjustment and mismatch (or lack) between the gained knowledge/skills and employers' requirements/needs. Having completed correlation and factor analyses, we assessed how much the situation in the labor market depends on the education being received and other aspects of social and economic life. The results obtained suggest that the aggregative factors, such as education, labor supply, and financial well-being have the highest impact on numbers of the unemployed. The influence significance of the education factor (84% versus 6% and 4% of others, respectively) points out the need for harmonization in this field in terms of the manpower training structure and education quality. Different perceptions of education efficiency that students and professors have to confirm this. To some degree, we believe that the solution to this problem might be in a revision of the approach to the provision of educational services, where practice-oriented education should come first.
Paper ID: 11A15G
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