International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies


:: International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies

ISSN 2228-9860
eISSN 1906-9642


Vol.11(16) (2020)

  • A Feed Additive based on Lactobacilli with Activity against Campylobacter for Meat-Breeding Chickens Parent Flock

    Anna Balykina (Department of Biochemistry and Physiology, St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine, RUSSIA),
    Elena Kapitonova, (Department of Private Livestock, Vitebsk State Awarded the Badge of Honour Order Veterinary Medicine Academy, BELARUS),
    Ilya Nikonov, (Research part "Agrotechnopolis", Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov, RUSSIA),
    Yuri Kuznetsov, (Department of Parasitology, St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine, RUSSIA),
    Sergey Shlykov (Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products, Stavropol State Agrarian University, RUSSIA ).

    Disciplinary: Agricultural and Animal Sciences, Bioscience, Biology.

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    DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2020.314

    Keywords: Heterologous lactobacilli; Parent stock of chickens; Poultry feeding; Probiotics; Parent hens; Campylobacter; Lactobacillus Plantarum.

    This article presents the results of feeding an experimental group of laying hens for 1-14 days with a complete feed containing heterologous lactobacilli as a feed additive. Data were obtained on the sowing rate of target lactobacilli from poultry manure and eggs. The eggs were collected for the production of broiler chickens. Using a feed additive based on heterologous lactobacilli contributed to increasing egg production per average hen by 7.8-10.0 %, and egg-laying intensity by 5.7-7.3%. The addition of the additive had a zootechnical effect even after a single application. At the same time, the probiotic supplement showed the antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus Plantarum to Campylobacter jejuni. Thus, the introduction of a feed additive based on lactobacilli, in general, had a positive effect on the productivity of the parent hens.

    Paper ID: 11A16E

  • Paper ID: 11A16E

    Cite this article:

    Balykina, A., Kapitonova, E., Nikonov, I., Kuznetsov, Y., Shlykov, S. (2020). A Feed Additive based on Lactobacilli with Activity against Campylobacter for Meat-Breeding Chickens Parent Flock. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 11(16), 11A16E, 1-17.


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