American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences |
:: Vol.2(1) (January 2013):: American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences
![]() Keywords: Silica Waste;Pure Aglumina;Geopolymer;Compressive Strength;Pozzolanic Material Abstract This research improved the compressive strength using silica waste and pure alumina for geopolymer mortar production. The basic physical and chemical properties of silica waste were analyzed. The optimum ratio of silica waste to pure alumina and the binding ratio of sodium hydroxide to sodium silicate solution were studied. The mortars were casted in 5*5*5 centimeters cubic shape with curing temperature at 60C for 24 hours. The geopolymer mortars were tested for compressive strength at 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days. The results revealed that the chemical characteristics of silica waste contained silicon dioxide 71%. The leaching tests of heavy metals also indicated that the concentrations of all heavy metals were within the standard set by the Ministry of Industry, Thailand. Therefore, it is possible to utilize silica waste for production of geopolymer mortar for construction. The ratio A (60:20:20), B (70:10:20) and cement mortar control passed the compressive strength standard design at 180 ksc on 3, 7 and 14 days, respectively. The optimum ratio of binder to sodium hydroxide to sodium silicate solution was the ratio B by weight which resulted in the highest compressive strength. In addition, SEM micrographs of the specimens indicated the microstructure which confirms the results obtained by the compressive strength tests. ![]() Keywords: Activation; Biochar; Activated Carbon; Grapheme; Mesopore; Hierarchical. Abstract Problem statement: Developing high-value nanostructured carbon from bio-char, for electrical and natural gas energy storage, is critical to improving the economic viability of thermochemical bioenergy and biofuel conversion processes.Approach: Here we show that chemical activation, using potassium or sodium hydroxide as catalysts, converted the biochar of distiller’s dried grains with soluble into activated carbon with high surface area (> 1500 m2/g). Results: The development of porosity by chemical activation using alkali hydroxides depends on type and dosage of activation catalysts; activation temperature and atmosphere conditions. Activated carbon samples with high mesoporous volume ( 1 ml/g), and nanostructure similar to activated graphene were prepared at activation temperature (1050 °C) and KOH loading (0.05 or 0.075 mol/g biochar). Conclusion: This protocol offers the potential to use other protein rich feedstocks for preparing nanostructured carbon, containing nanostructure similar to activated graphene, as an advanced carbon material. ![]() Keywords: Costing; Process costing; Inspection process; Optimization model. Abstract This paper utilizes the concept of process costing methodology to determine an appropriate inspection point of a continuous process. Three types of inspection processes are considered. They are before, during, and after production inspection processes. The objective of this paper is to determine an appropriate setting of a during production inspection process where the unit cost is minimized. Two situations are considered in the during production inspection process, scrapped and reworked situations. Optimization models of finding an appropriate inspection point are proposed and numerical examples are given to illustrate the uses of the models. ![]() Keywords: Beach cleaning Trailer; Beach cleaning Design; Economics. Abstract Beach litter collection is a concern for Bang Saen beach, one of the popular tourist attractions of Thailand. In order to solve this problem, a beach cleaning trailer was designed and fabricated with emphasis on the use of local materials and local production. The design trailer prototype 3.7x1.6meters was carried out using a three dimensional solid modeling computer program. This paper explores the economics of the beach-cleaning trailer in terms of payback period, charging rate to customer, working areas. The research provided some positive results on economics aspects. Previous: Vol 1(4) October 2012 ......... Next: Vol 2(2) April 2013
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