American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences |
:: Vol.4(1) (January 2015):: American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences
![]() Keywords:Nutrient solution; Crop content; NFT system; ANOVA; LSD AbstractThis study compared the suitability of four hydroponic solutions, solution y commonly used in Sri Lanka, solution x vastly used in Thailand and solution z1 and z2 prepared using solution y, for growing lettuce using Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) system. Due to a lower amount of N in solution y than in solution x, the adjustment of this nutrient in the former solution to half and equal amounts of the latter solution, was done using Ca(NO3)2 and KNO3. During a growing period, all solutions pH was maintained to 6.0-6.5. EC level of the solutions and number of leaves were weekly monitored. Fresh and dry upper ground biomasses were weighed and plant tissue samples were analyzed for the concentration of N, P, K, Ca and Mg. Analysis of variance (ANOVA in SPSS/FW) as completely random design and means among treatments were compared using least significant difference (LSD) and different being tested at 0.05 probability. Result showed that although dry matter yield is similar, growth and development of lettuce was better when grown in solution x than in other three treatments. N and K content in solution x and K content in solution y should be reduced. On the other hand, P content in both solutions should be increased to raise P content in the upper ground biomass up to normal range. ![]() Keywords: Geometric model; FEM; Vibration analysis; Human middle ear; Auditory ossicles; Hearing ability; Columella AbstractWe have already proposed a method for estimating the hearing restoration effect of the tympanoplasty operation using three-dimensional finite element static analysis (Higashimachi et al., 2013). In this study, the restoration effect of the operation using the columella instead of the broken incus was estimated. The shape, mounting position to the malleus,and the material of the columella were variously altered in the analysis. It was ascertained that hearing recovery of about 92% could be expected. Furthermore, harmonic vibration analysis of the middle ear’s ability to receive sound pressure was carried out in order to obtain the frequency response characteristics. It was determined that hearing recovery of about 98% could be expected. From the viewpoint of the static and dynamic analyses, it was proven that prediction of a hearing restoration effect was possible by our method, which made the displacement of the stapes basal plane to be a standard. These results are appropriate from a clinical viewpoint. ![]() Keywords: Community participation; Questionnaire survey; Dormitory resident; Solid waste; Study area. AbstractWhen the community grew as the population increased, it was resulted in waste increased. The problems of solid waste affect the environment and people's health. The study area of a community of 21 dormitory buildings near Thammasat University Rangsit Campus, the residential area has found rubbish overload from the tank waste, provoked smell and being a source of disease carriers such as rats and roaches. For this reason, the residents should bear in dealing with solid waste that occurs without dependence on government unilaterally in waste disposal. In addition, the rapid growth in the number of dormitories surrounding Thammasat University Rangsit Campus has ignited in an attempt to fix the problem, garbage overload. Questionnaire survey of the residents showed up with a random sampling method. The residents who live in buildings affected by high, medium, and low impacts of garbage overload tanks are chose for surveying questionnaire. In addition, the store owners and the manager of the buildings are surveyed to find out their opinions and recommendations on garbage campaign management. The results showed that most of the residents had been not satisfied with the management of garbage disposal. They would like to have an exchange of solid waste recycling as a reward rather than in cash and are willing to cooperate with the campaigns when they could earn some kind benefits. ![]() Keywords: Ferro cement; strength; Ductility; ACI; wire mesh; cement mortar; steel rebar. AbstractThis work focuses on behaviors of reinforced concrete (RC) column encased by longitudinal steel and ferro cement under static axially loading. RC column specimens are encased by vertical steel reinforcements, wrapped by varying amount of wire mesh and then covered with cement mortar. The results show significantly improvement of strength and ductility of strengthened column over reference column without strengthening. Ductility is also significantly improved by the increase of the volume of wire mesh. ACI equation for prediction of strength of short axially loaded RC column can be applied to predict strength of both reference and strengthened column. ![]() Keywords: soil engineering properties; soil testing; ANN . AbstractThis study applies spatial interpolation to estimate soil engineering properties by using previous information in the neighborhood areas. This study focuses on soft clayey Bangkok soil data in the Bangkok Thailand. The non-geostatistic and artificial neural networks (ANN) methods are compared to estimate unconfined compressive strength of soil. The non-geostatistics are inverse distance weighted, triangulation, natural neighbor, b-spline approximation, cubic spline approximation, global thin plate spline, local thin plate spline and thin plate spline. For this study, ANN is the four layers feed forward neural networks with error back-propagation learning. From the computation with the testing data, the cubic spline approximation gives the lowest RMSE. ANN is also applicable with more input data. Previous: Vol 3(4) October 2014 ......... Next: Vol 4(2) April 2015
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