American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences |
:: Vol.2(4) (October 2013):: American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences
![]() Keywords: FPGA; VHDL ; Azimuth ; Altitude ; ULN Abstract Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) meet critical timing and performance requirements with parallel processing and real-time control application performance, allowing greater system integration and lower development cost. This paper describes a dual axis solar tracking system is based on astronomical equations. The position of sun at anytime is a function of azimuth and altitude angle values. Azimuth and altitude angle values are collected off line. The prototype of dual axis solar tracking system is developed on FPGA to implement the proposed idea. The system comprises of digital clock module, rise time module and two pulses generator modules. Pulse generator modules employ Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique for controlling two stepper motors for tracking the azimuth and altitude angles. The functionality of various blocks of the system is described in Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language (VHDL). The control logic has been successfully implemented on Spartan 3E FPGA device. Xilinx ISE 14.1 suit is used for design entry, synthesis and burning the bit stream file into FPGA device. The functional verification has been performed using Xilinx simulator. ![]() Keywords: Thai rice; gamma-ray; induced mutation; photo insensitivity; short harvest age; drought tolerance; THAILAND. Abstract Three Thousand M1 seeds of KDML105 induced by 20 k-rad gamma-ray were grown for M1 Plants to produce M2 seeds for growing M2 plants. Segregated M2 plants were selected based on photo insensitivity, short stature, short harvest-age, drought tolerance, good growth with high seed yield under upland conditions. Seventy-two M2 lines were selected and their M3 seeds were grown as hill per line under upland conditions and 12 hills of 70th line were selected. M4 seeds of the selected hills were grown under both upland and transplanting conditions and 4 lines were selected namely KDML105’ 10 GR-TU-70-3, KDML105’ 10GR-TU-70-6, KDML105’ 10GR-TU-70-8 and KDML105’ 10GR-TU-70-10. Their M5 seeds were grown 4 rows per hill under both upland and transplanting conditions at Khlong5 and Khlong7 in Pathumthani. The results showed that all 4 selected lines had regular short statures and harvest ages, and the lines giving higher seed yields per rai (1600sq.m.) than KDML105 from high to low were KDML105’ 10GR-TU-70-10 (529.5 and 536.0 kg), KDML105’ 10GR-TU-70-8 (522.0 and 528.5 kg), KDML105’ 10GR-TU-70-6 (469.0 and 509.0 kg), and KDML105’ 10GR-TU-70-3 (465.5 and 505.0 kg), respectively. Their grain amylose contents, gel consistencies, alkali levels, and elongation ratios were 15-17%, 70-80 mm, 6.9-7.0, and 1.7-1.8, respectively while their cooking qualities were aromatic and soft with good taste, the same as KDML105. ![]() Keywords: BA; NAA; in vitro plantlets. Abstract Young adventitious shoots from corm of Gladiolus were used as explants and cultured on MS medium supplemented with combination of various concentration (0, 0.1, 0.5 ,1 ,2 mg/l) BA or kinetin and (2%, 3% and 4%) sucrose. It was found that explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.1-0.5 mg/l BA and 3% sucrose gave the highest average plantlets about 6.6 - 7.0 plantlets per explants within 12 weeks and MS medium with only 3% and 4% sucrose and free BA or kinetin gave the highest average plant height about 9.6–9.86 cm. The second was MS medium supplemented with 0.1–0.5 mg/l BA and 4% sucrose about 5.4 -5.6 plantlets and higher than kinetin concentration. After transferred plantlets to MS medium supplemented with various concentration of NAA and sucrose, the average number of cormels on MS medium supplemented with 0.1–0.5 mg/l NAA and 3% sucrose gave the highest about 5.8-5.6 cormels with fresh weight about 144mg per explant. Previous: Vol 2(3) July 2013 ......... Next: Vol 3(1) January 2014
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