American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences |
:: Vol.4(4) (October 2015):: American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences
![]() Keywords: Traffic calming; Speed hump; Speed Observation; Comfort driving . AbstractThis study presents an observation on a combined traffic calming device installed in a local village community. This innovative device fuses humps into speed bumps. This makes drivers more comfort with attention in aiming wheels’ positions at the hump spots. The invented device thus effectively reduces vehicular driving speeds while giving rather comfort driving to drivers and passengers. Comparing to bumps, this new devices help reduce noise and damage of vehicle after passing the devices. This device also saves construction cost, compared to hump. ![]() Keywords: Landscape design; Landscape Elements; Housing landscape; Housing design; Housing values; Hardscape elements; Softscape elements. AbstractIn Malaysia, concern regarding the implementation of landscape design as one of the indicators for making a value to the house has never been important. Subsequently, enhancement of the quality of life and sustain a livable environment for future development seems crucial and related to the values of housing area. Therefore, this paper is aimed to identify the contribution of landscape design as an element in influencing the values of housing area in urban areas. The method specifically adopts questionnaires survey, interview and observation technique that conducted in the selected housing area in Klang Valley. The findings show the involvement of landscape design in term of its planning, characteristic and elements can influence the value of the house. It is hoped that this paper may provide significant information on the implication of landscape design towards influencing the values of the house and also attract prospect buyers in the future. ![]() Keywords: Bearing prognostic; Health monitoring; Bearing behavior; Data analysis . AbstractProblem statement: In this work, we developed a prognostic tool to predict the remaining useful life of bearings using MATLAB®. The tool uses experimental data based on vibration data analysis. Approach: We validated the tool using NASA’s experimental data measured from accelerometers to identify and confirm the time of failure initiation on the outer race and determine the remaining useful life. We predicted the life prediction by monitoring the energy level of the bearing fault-frequency domain and trending several condition indicators such as Kurtosis, RMS and Power Amplitude of the interested frequency. Results: We based the remaining useful life prediction of the evolution of a selected condition indicators and a predefined failure threshold. Based on the available data, there is an 8.6% error between the actual and predicted bearing failure time when using our tool. Conclusion: We developed a promising tool to predict bearing’s useful life. ![]() Keywords: Interannual Rainfall Variability; Northeastern Thailand; annual rainfall Trend; EL Nino . AbstractClimate change impacts on rainfall variability shift and trends have been studied worldwide in the last two decades. General Circulation Models (GCMs) have been generally used as a tool for evaluation of the effects of climate change on rainfall process at a local site. This study investigates impact of climate change on variation of annual rainfall in Thailand by selecting northeastern region (Mun River basin), poorest region in Thailand as a case study. Annual rainfall of 30 stations, distributed over the entire basin, were selected based on availability of data, with a 37-year period of record. Analysis of trend of this time series reveals high interannual variability of this monsoon rainfall. Only five out of 30 stations have statically significant trend, with 90% confident interval. However, the trends are inconsistent, i.e. three stations have increasing trends while the other two stations have decreasing trends. The remaining 25 stations have both increasing and decreasing trends. The results implied that the impacts of climate change on annual rainfall in this region are inconsistent. The influence of monsoon is still dominant factor causing rainfall in this region. Nevertheless, analysis of anomaly index of annual rainfall and occurrence of Enso reveals existing relationship between ENSO and drought phenomena in this region. Previous: Vol 4(3) July 2015 ......... Next: Vol 5(1) Jan 2016
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