American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences |
:: Vol.2(3) (July 2013):: American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences
![]() Keywords: Technological Innovation Capability; Analytic network process ; Thai automotive parts firms TICs evaluation criteria. Abstract To handle swift changes in global environment, Technological Innovation Capabilities (TICs) is one crucial and unique strategy to increase firms’ competitiveness. This research proposed a systematic framework of TICs assessment by employing Analytic Network Process (ANP) method for solving the complicate decision-making and assessing the interrelationship among various evaluation factors, whereas the relative important weight data were provided by industrial experts based on pair-wise comparison. With the novel TIC assessment model, high-level managers could easily gain management information to rationalizes the decision-making process based on the most important criteria which affect the firms’ competitive advantages and the highest priority factors which were needed to be handled. The last section also displayed the application of TICs assessment on three Thai automotive parts firms, as case study. ![]() Keywords: Curcuma sp.; Callogenesis; Shoot organogenesis; 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. Abstract Callogenesis of Curcuma alismatifolia and Curcuma hybrid ‘Laddawan’ were proliferated from young inflorescences when cultured them on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with various concentration (8, 10, 12, and 14 mg/l) 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at dark period for 4 weeks to form somatic embryo. The highest percentage growth rate is 90 percent for somatic embryo proliferated on MS medium supplemented with 14 mg/l 2,4-D. When induced these somatic embryo to form new shoot organogenesis by culturing them on MS medium supplemented with various types ( glucose, sucrose and maltose ) of sugar, the highest percentage of new shoots were proliferated from Curcuma alismatifolia and Curcuma hybrid ‘Laddawan’ with 25 g/l maltose which were 50.00 and 46.67, respectively. ![]() Keywords: Socio-environment Design; City Sustainability; Safe Urbanization; Safe City program; Crime rate; Sustainable development; Public safety. Abstract According to urban experts crime and fear of crime have long been recognized as a major challenge to sustainable cities. It also has a significant impact on quality of life. In Malaysia the crime index has risen significantly over the last few decades. Local authority plays a role in building cities that are safe for people where effective implementation of CPTED will assist in reducing and preventing crime from occurring. Effective implementation of CPTED can help reduce public expenditure in keeping the city safe. The article concludes that the successful implementation of the CPTED concept in Malaysian cities can be achieved by increasing the awareness and understanding of implementers of the concept. Thus, professionals and policy makers should have an awareness of the importance of CPTED in reducing both the fear of crime and crime rates in the urban environment and thus contribute to urban sustainability. ![]() Keywords: Recycled concrete; Coarse aggregate replacement; Thai Industrial Standard. Abstract This study applies recycled concrete as a replacement of coarse aggregate to produce concrete paving blocks. The experiment is conducted to observe concrete strength of the specimen samples. The Thai Industrial Standard for concrete paving blocks (TIS 827-2531) has specified concrete samples at 28 days to have compressive strength surplus 350ksc. This study, recycled concrete has been used at various proportions, 50%, 70%, and 100% replacement of coarse aggregate. The mix concrete uses water-cement ratio 0.47 with design slump 10±2.5cm. Average concrete strengths at 28days are 665 ksc, 456 ksc and 350 ksc. Thus, this work shows possibility that dumped concrete can be recycled with full 100% replacement of coarse aggregate in making concrete paving blocks. Previous: Vol 2(2) April 2013 ......... Next: Vol 2(4) October 2013
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