TuEngr Journals
:: Vol.3(3) (July 2014)

:: American Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences
ISSN 2229-1652
eISSN 2229-1660
** Read Full Issue V3(3)
- Effect of Combined Antenna Electromagnetic Power to Human
Chakree Maleewan * (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, THAILAND )
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Keywords: Cellular communication; Combined antenna field; human brain; signal excitation human molecule.
This paper investigates the effect of the combined signals from the nearby cellular towers that have toward population health in Thailand. We investigate the frequencies in the operating ranges of GSM 850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900/ and 2100 MHz. Both power and frequency of electromagnetic wave have influence to living cell. In theory, these combined signals strength can fluctuate the energy level of certain minerals that are key components of human internal organs. These minerals, such as K+, Ca++, and Na+, are crucial in maintaining the balance for healthy body. The damage to the living organ from the small amount of heat energy that caused by the vibration of polar dielectric, such as H2O is even less than the damage that is caused by displacement of electron in the these minerals. In theory the charged particle that originated from as such demonstrates property of electric vector (magnitude, phase and direction) which cause the living cell to be prone to oxidization and degenerated; it can deviate from its normality. Hence, this study is crucial to human and all livings.
- Seismic Capacity Comparisons of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Between Standard and Substandard Detailing
Jirawat Junruang, and Virote Boonyapinyo * (Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, THAILAND )
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Keywords: Seismic Capacity;
Reinforced Concrete Buildings;
Incremental Dynamic Analysis;
Seismic Detailing;
SAP 2000.
Earthquakes are cause of serious damage through the building. Therefore, moment resistant frame buildings are widely used as lateral resisting system. Generally three types of moment resisting frames are designed namely Special ductile frames (SDF), Intermediate ductile frames (IDF) and Gravity load designed (GLD) frames, each of which has a certain level of ductility. Comparative studies on the seismic performance of three different ductility of building are performed in this study. The analytical models are considered about failure mode of column (i.e. shear failure, flexural to shear failure and flexural failure); beam-column joint connection, infill wall and flexural foundation. Concepts of incremental dynamic analysis are practiced to assess the required data for performance based evaluations. This study found that the lateral load capacity of GLD, IDF, and SDF building was 19.25, 27.87, and 25.92 %W respectively. The average response spectrum at the collapse state for GLD, IDF, and SDF are 0.75 g, 1.19 g, and 1.33 g, respectively. The results show that SDF is more ductile than IDF and the initial strength of SDF is close to IDF. The results indicate that all of frames are able to resistant a design earthquake.
- Role of 2,4-D on Callus Induction and Shoot Formation to Increase Number of Shoot in Miniature Rose In Vitro
Anchalee Jala * (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University Pathumthani, 12121 THAILAND )
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Keywords: Mini rose;
Duncan New Multiple Range Test;
Stem node of Miniature Rose with axillary bud were used as explants. These explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of 2,4-D. It was found that MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D gave the highest number of green callus. The callus cultured on MS medium supplemented with different combinations of NAA and BA to form new shoot and root. From the result, we are able to find the highest number of young shoots that were induced from callus when cultured callus on MS medium supplemented with NAA and BA. When subcultured all new shoots with the same size to MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of NAA and BA, and 2,4- D for six weeks. The result was significant difference (P≤0.5) when compared the average height of plant and percentage of root formation, but their duration time for flowering were not significant different.
- Public Perception on Road Accidents: A Case Study of Mahasarakham City, Thailand
Apirath Chattranusorn, and Boonsap Witchayangkoon * (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, THAILAND )
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Keywords: Likert Scale;
Driving Behavior;
Street accident;
Drunk driving;
Cause of accident;
This study surveyed public perception on the causes of roadway accidents in Mahasarakam City area. There are 400 questionnaire respondents from different ages, occupations, and background. The majority of respondents never have an experience of confronting crash. Average perception of all respondents indicates that human is the most dominant factor causing road accidents. In addition, most respondents give high score to drunk driving as the most dangerous driving behavior. Respondents with different educational backgrounds seem to have agreeable perception on most of the items that cause street accidents.
- Effect of Oryzalin on Growth of Anthurium andraeanum In Vitro
Anchalee Jala * and Youngsak Kajohnpadungkiti (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University Pathumtani, 12121, THAILAND )
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Keywords: Naphthaline acetivc acid; NAA; Kinetin;
Apical shoots and lateral buds of Anthurium andraeanum about 0.5 cm grew very well when cultured on MS medium supplemented with NAA, kinetin, sucrose and gelrite. When brought young plantlets (the same sized) of A. andraeanum soaked in various concentrations of oryzalin with different duration times. The A. andraeanum plantlets were subcultured into the same medium every 4 weeks for 3 times. It was found that 5.0 mg/l oryzalin with 24 and 72 hours gave the best average number of leaves per bunch, plant height and diameter of bunch. These parameters were reverse proportion, when increased concentration of oryzalin, the growth rate in each parameter was decreased with thick and pale green leaves.
Previous: Vol 3(2) April 2014 ......... Next: Vol 3(4) October 2014
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After the peer-review process (4-10 weeks), articles will be on-line published in the available next issue. However, the American Transactions on Engineering, & Applied Sciences cannot guarantee the exact publication time as the process may take longer time, subject to peer-review approval and adjustment of the submitted articles.
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:: American Transactions on Engineering and Applied Sciences